"What the soul sings" - personal exhibition of the Moscow painter Andrei Mishov
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MOSCOW. Only on October 11, connoisseurs of painting have the opportunity to attend a personal exhibition of paintings by Andrei Mishov. The Moscow painter presented his canvases in the halls belonging to the Moscow Union of Artists. The exhibition space is located in Starosadsky Lane 5.
The exposition, where you can see how diverse the genres of the artist’s work is, how masterfully his canvases are made, housed amazing landscapes, magnificent still lifes and portraits, in which there is not a drop of far-fetchedness. The canvases written by Andrei Mishov were created in a simple and artless manner, however, according to the carefully selected color shades of his works, it becomes clear how carefully the artist peers at people and the world around them.
The workmanship of Andrei Mishov cannot be appreciated by a fleeting glance at the canvas. His paintings are fully perceived only when the viewer is “implanted” in them. Then the landscape depicted on the canvas ceases to be static. The movement of clouds becomes visible on it, a slight breeze is felt and frosty air is felt.
The artist combines the white of snow with black thawed spots on it, the yellow leaves look just fallen on the gray asphalt of the road. Shades of flowers, finely selected texture of the smear - these techniques allow Andrei Mishov to masterfully convey the state of the world that comes to life on his canvases.
Such high professionalism Andrei Mishov is obliged to teachers of the Institute. Surikov, where the artist studied at the end of the art school in Penza, as well as talent inherited from his parents. In Ulyanovsk, where the older generation of the Mishov family lives now, their family exhibition was held several years ago, and the son of Andrei Mishov, Vladislav, also took part in it.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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