"Artists of Vladimir Land" - the so-called exhibition for the anniversary of the Vladimir branch of the Union of Artists
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VLADIMIR. The whole of September, Vladimir artists dedicated their preparations to events dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary - the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation celebrates its 70th anniversary. The main celebration was held in the complex "Chambers" on September 17th.
On this day, a solemn meeting of members of the Union of Artists of the Vladimir region took place, and after its end a new exhibition was available to the public. Materials for creating its exposition were provided by the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve from its funds. It housed the work of only Vladimir masters.
In the Center of Fine Arts, located nearby, on the main street of the city, on the same day, another exhibition was opened, presented to visitors of the Center under the title “Artists of Vladimir Land”.
The regional exhibition, created for the anniversary, united the works of 185 Vladimir authors working in various genres of fine art in its exposition. At its opening, a catalog album was presented, specially published for the anniversary exhibition. On the 19th, the celebration of the jubilee will continue with an action that is part of the project, which was called Georgievskaya - Art Street. On the street that has recently become a pedestrian zone, an open air will take place, the public will be able to see how the famous artists of Vladimir create their paintings.
In 1945, when the Vladimir CX was founded, its members were only 13 people. Over the past years, the number of artists united in the regional union of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation has reached 134 masters of fine art of various genres. Recently, Vladimir artists have been participants in each of the significant exhibitions organized by the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation. Landscapes belonging to the Vladimir School of Painting have become a separate area of fine art.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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