Museum of the Pushkin Museum. For the first time in Russia, Pushkin presents the work of the Hungarian painter Mihai Munkachi
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MOSCOW. For the first time, Russian art connoisseurs will see paintings written by Hungarian painter Mihai Munkachi. In the Pushkin Museum to them. Pushkin March 31 exhibition opens, called the museum staff - "Around Munkachi." The original name of the exposition appeared by chance.
It included not only about fifty paintings by a Hungarian artist, provided by the Hungarian National Gallery from his collection and the private collection of Imre Pakkh, the works of the Hungarian master are complemented by works by European and Russian painters who worked in the 19th century at the same time as Mikhail Munkachi. The works of these artists belong to the NII them. Pushkin. Some of them were presented for display by the Tretyakov Gallery.
Although Mihai Munkachi is considered the founder of the picturesque Hungarian school, in Russia his work is known mainly to art critics only. In domestic collections there are his paintings, but they practically did not participate in exhibitions.
In the years when Munkacci painted his paintings, in Europe his work was almost unknown. However, it so happened that after studying in Vienna, and then in Germany, the artist came to Paris. There he met with the work of the Impressionists.
Munkachi remained committed to realism, but this acquaintance changed his pictorial technique. In Paris, the artist received his first award - his painting "Death Chamber" was awarded a gold medal at the Paris Salon.
The organizers of the exhibition at the Pushkin Museum have placed Munkachi’s paintings in chronological order to enable visitors to track how the plots of his works have changed - ostrootsotsialnye plots were replaced by genre paintings and historical canvases.
The works of the Hungarian artist will be in the capital until the end of June.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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