"Reflection" in the Central House of Artists
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MOSCOW. From February 8 to 22, 2015, in the 23rd hall of the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val 10, the annual exhibition-sale of paintings "Reflection" takes place. Artists brought to the exhibition both massive oil paintings and small graphic works - under the leadership of Sergey Postnikov, the exhibition annually brings together more than fifty authors from different countries and cities of Russia.
Artist Sergey Postnikov performs
Rustem Khuzin, still life from nature
Rustem Khuzin from Ufa Ufa is a realistic painter, famous for a series of detailed historical paintings on battle themes. Rustem Khurzin came to the opening of the exhibition in advance, composed a gorgeous composition on the red carpet, and by the time the audience gathered, he had already created a colorful still life on canvas. The smell of colors and the magical appearance of glare on the canvas attracted the audience. Upon completion, he was replaced by a musician.
Alexey Krasavin, Crimean species
Artist Diana Surzhina with graphics
Surzhina Diana showed her romantic self-portrait from the back in the picture “Artist” and oil paintings on canvas “Oaks” and “Sailboat”. Diana Surzhina graduated from Computer Design at ART, works as a construction programmer, correspondent, and illustrates books.
Natalia Vendina participated in the projects of the exhibition centers Garage, Quiet New and the Arden Gallery. In the competition of the Russian Art Week (Rassian ArtWeek), the Central House of Artists (Moscow) in autumn 2014 took 1st place in the Isoteric nomination in the student category with the painting "Mask of the Demon".
“I always painted, ” Natalya says, “ as long as I can remember, but I entered the Moscow State Law Academy. After graduating from the Academy, she worked as a lawyer, assistant to the head of legal affairs, advertising manager and designer. Over time, I realized that I can’t realize all my ideas without getting an art education. In 2009 she entered the URAO at the Faculty of Art. Now I am writing a diploma and looking for new forms of translating my ideas into creativity. In the future I want to devote myself completely to creativity.
Julia Andreeva was born in the city of Mytishchi, Moscow Region, graduated from the Stroganov Moscow Art Theater, specializing in restoring monumental painting.
She is a member of the professional union of artists and a member of the Moscow Union of Designers.
“In 2008, I went to rest in the Crimea,” Yulia recalls, “to a famous place in Koktebel and took paints, brushes and cardboard with me. All my vacation I wrote views of Koktebel. In 2 weeks I created 30 works. Since then, open-air work has been the main thing in my work. In June 2014, together with the artist Alexander Bobrov, we held an exhibition in the Central House of Artists under the name “Crimea”, I presented the views of Crimea — these are Koktebel open spaces, Gurzuf streets, Ordzhonikidze bays, created over 3 years.
Artist Igor Volodkin, Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, designer and Member of the International Art Fund, placed a whole flock of birds in the chart on the table and wall: "It’s very interesting to work with them! I wanted to draw the attention of the audience to the diversity of the nature of Russia." Igor Volodkin teaches drawing, painting, composition at the Moscow Art Institute. G.R. Derzhavina by the author’s methodology with an individual approach to the work of students and is additionally engaged in art lovers with any initial level of drawing.
Sharganova Elena from 1998 to 2000 studied at the graphic arts department of the Smolensk Pedagogical University, and is currently undergoing training in the circle of fast drawing, organized by teachers of Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Stroganova. In her works, she puts plastic and compositional tasks, pushing the plot content of sketches into the background. To a greater extent, she cares about the play of light, glare, color environment and emotional state.
- From all the creative variety of types and genres of painting, I chose a landscape for myself. I prefer to work in the open air, traveling with a group of artists. I am convinced that this joint work enriches painters. I learn from professional constantly practicing artists such as Alla Polkovnichenko, Alexander Gorbikov, Vitaliy Makarov, in my opinion the most important thing - working on a painting, try to do every work even better, be as expressive as possible, constantly improve. I try to express my impression as clearly as possible and convey to the viewer the enthusiastic joy of the beauty of nature.
Artists Alexander Bobrov (against the background of his works) and Vladimir Bogachev
Bobrov Alexander was born in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region, moved to Crimea, graduated from the Crimean Art College named after N.S. Samokish and the National Academy of Fine Arts.
He is a Member of UTA Correspondent, Honored Artist, awarded the silver medal of the Academy and its highest awards: silver and gold star of fame for his significant personal contribution to the development of culture and art, holder of orders: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir 3 degrees. Last year, he held an exhibition at the Central House of Artists dedicated to the return of the Crimea. Alexander Bobrov has big creative plans: to create a series of works on the historical corners of Russia and hold a spring plein air in Crimea.
- As for the Crimean, the exhibition "Crimea" was very significant for me. Each exhibition must present new works. For me, as an artist, any season is picturesque. I love plein air painting, as in nature the artist reveals more, starting from the search for a motive and ending with a finished work.
The exhibition occupies several rooms, a charity event takes place in room 25: each viewer can buy a painting at an affordable price: all the funds raised will go to treat a sick child. Artists participating in the exhibition gave their work for free and money from the sale of paintings, even the most modest ones can save the life of a girl with cancer and undergoing treatment - “Give Katya 1 day of treatment”
Diana Surzhina © Gallerix.ru
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Всем, кто любит позитив и хорошее настроение-посещение РЕКОМЕНДУЕТСЯ! На выставке положительная энергия не просто летает в воздухе, а еще совершенно свободно, не спрашивая разрешения, проникает в зрителей и их мысли! В наше время, когда мы все время бежим, часто не замечая когда наступила весна или когда выпал первый снег, нам всем очень не хватает положительных эмоций и добра! И такие выставки-просто нам необходимы, их просто надо открыть для себя! Мне очень понравилась выставка в целом, а запомнились и остались в душе теплым огоньком картины Татьяны Сухановой и Светы Вендиной. До сих пор помню это ощущение дуновения осеннего ветра и запах желтого леса и мокрых листьев, когда я смотрела на картину "Осень" Вендиной Светланы. Спасибо организаторам и творцам за эту выставку!
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