In the museum of A. S. Pushkin, the exhibition "Family Portrait" is open, representing the work of masters of the 18-19th century
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MOSCOW. The Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka awaits visitors to get acquainted with the exhibition “Family Portrait”, the exposition of which is composed of works of art belonging to the museum’s fund and supplemented by exhibits provided by the gallery “Three Centuries”. Moscow collectors Podstanitsky contributed to the creation of the exposition, providing their collection to participate in the exhibition. Works stored in their private collection are shown to the public for the first time.
The exhibition turned out to be quite large-scale - more than 170 exhibits were selected to create the exhibition, including paintings and graphics, supplemented by original miniatures and objects representing decorative and applied art. All works of art were performed in the 18-19 century by Russian and European masters.
The creation of family portraits became popular in Russia back in the Petrine era, but the heyday of this genre came at the end of the 18th century and continued in the first part of the 19th century. The ideas of romanticism and sentimentalism, giving priority to family values, were then widespread in Russia. The theme of the family at all times was understandable and close to everyone, so a significant number of family portraits were created.
Most of them were devoted to various events taking place in families. The works are located in the exposition according to the date of their creation, so you can see from them how the historical epochs changed, how family relationships changed with them.
At the opening of the exhibition, a presentation of a unique album dedicated to the Russian portrait of the 18-9th century took place. The album was compiled by collector A.S. Podstanitsky. You can purchase the publication at the kiosks of the museum.
The exhibition is waiting for visitors until March 31.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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