Exhibition of paintings by Yana Lyubarskaya "CANVAS. OIL." in the EKZ "180m2"
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September 7 in Moscow opened an exhibition of naive paintings by Yana Lyubarskaya, under the name- "CANVAS. OIL. ”
By profession, Yana is a journalist and philologist, in 2006 she graduated from RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia), Faculty of Philology, undergraduate and graduate programs. And by vocation - an artist! Draws since childhood, self-taught. According to her, our heroine works as a “non-artist” just to draw, so that there is money for creative materials that are quite expensive. Discounts in art stores are available only to students or members of creative unions. And she is neither one nor the other.
The exhibition was opened by Julia Korolkova - a wonderful art critic and just a beautiful woman. She told the audience that despite the fact that in her life there were difficulties and difficult moments, in her bright, colorful works, the theme of the joy of life, positive, solar and bright energy is endlessly present.
The journalist and editor-in-chief of the ALEF magazine, Larisa Tokar, recalled how she met the artist several years ago and how their friendship and business cooperation arose in the magazine, which continues to this day.
Olga Biantovskaya, an art historian who regularly writes in the ALEF magazine, said the following: “The themes of Ioann’s paintings are landscapes, portraits, images of her four-legged favorites. The latter artist writes especially often. Such kind of paintings are very touching, reminiscent of children’s drawings in shape and have many features characteristic of naive art - the brightness of colors, local colors, contouring, immediacy of the image. In the portrait of her mother, Jan used bright warm colors, in this case, designed to convey the warmth emanating from the model. A woman in even joyful mood looks at the viewer from the picture, relaxed, throws her hands behind her head. It is the transfer of mood that the artist succeeds best of all, and this is one of the main tasks of art. Greens are given as a background - behind a woman’s back as if there is a hedge. This technique avoids complex compositional constructions and gives the image flatness, which helps to highlight the advantages of the picture - its brightness and emotionality. Let us turn to the painting “Poppies”. In it, Yana is experimenting with various artistic techniques: in the foreground, flowers, although they are written with a bit of conventionality, have a detailed study. And then they look like colored “roads” formed by pasty strokes. Thereby, the latitude of the poppy meadow and the chamber nature of the image of individual colors, which are closest to the viewer, pleasantly contrast. In the image of the sky, the artist boldly uses whitewash - they convey clouds, and at the same time make the landscape very bright. Getting rid of excessive naturalism, Yana turns to the language of generalization. The graphic picture with the image of a sitting dog is designed in black and white, shadows and volume are outlined. We wish Yana the development of her talent and the transition from naive art to serious painting. ”
Vladimir Fisherman, a creative person, the head of the Center for Communications and the Theater of Mass Spectacles, a long-time creative friend and wise mentor of Yana Lyubarskaya, spoke about the history of naive art, that the activities of non-professional artists were once banned in the USSR, and today, the naive trend in painting successfully develops and brings its authors not only satisfaction from their favorite pastime, but also fame and considerable money.
Yana finished the exhibition with the words: “I thank you immensely for everyone who came to the opening today and who helped me in holding this exhibition for the last weeks - my dear husband Leonid, my beloved parents Marina and Yulia Lyubarsky, director of the 180m2 YCL - Shlomo Polonsky, gallery owner Julia Korolkova, Sergey Fateev, art director at gallerix.ru, great pianist Gennady Tsypin, great guitarist Mikhail Graifer. This is my first exhibition and I hope it will be the beginning of my long career as an artist… "
Many connoisseurs of Yana Lyubarskaya’s work came to the vernissage. The guests watched the paintings, relaxed, enjoyed a buffet of biscuits and fruits, talked to each other, drank tea, coffee and tasty wine, enjoyed exquisite music.
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