Exhibition "PRECIOUS RIM. PICTURE AND FRAME. DIALOGUES" in the Tretyakov Gallery
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AT Tretyakov Gallery An unusual exhibition opened: viewers are shown frames from paintings. Our special correspondent, artist Surzhina Diana, became interested in the influence of frames on the perception of painting by the viewer. What hidden characters can be found on a frame that a modern viewer discards as a gadget design when reading SMS?
"Reception of volost foremen by Emperor Alexander III in the courtyard of the Peter Palace in Moscow" I.E. Repin 1886.
Exhibition curator, deputy general director for scientific work Tatyana Leonidovna Karpova:
- In portraits, information was taken on the frame about the kindredness and merits of the person depicted in the picture, and on the historical canvases “Reception of volost foremen by Emperor Alexander III in the courtyard of the Peter Palace in Moscow” by I. Repin in 1886, you can see the arms of cities or finds during excavations of that time.
At the exposition “Precious setting. Picture and frame. Dialogues ”, we were able to restore more than 150 pairs of original frames and works of art, such as church paintings, for example, the Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir in a gilded setting, enclosed in a case with a transparent door, which is inlaid with mahogany veneer. Usually, during restoration and transportation, the original frame is removed from the paintings. But the violation of the joint work of the wooden structure of the picture-frame leads to the fact that at different temperature conditions and humidity, different degrees of shrinkage occur and after a while the picture either falls out or vice versa does not “fit” back into its native frame.
The Precious Rim project has occupied all the departments of the Tretyakov Gallery: arranging the entrance to the Engineering Building, issuing books and souvenirs, creating an interactive exhibition and the special pride of the Deputy Director General for Education and Publishing Elsesser Marina Edgarovna - books for children and a new format for excursions - “an hour with a specialist”, when restorers themselves answer visitors’ questions.
Restorer artist Rakhimberdiev Timur Noarlanovich in front of a painting by G.G.I. von Prenner’s “Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna” 1754 gives an interview.
Restorer artist Rakhimberdiev Timur Noarlanovich discovered that the frame of the painting “Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna” was painted by G. G. I. von Prenner does not have an independent carpentry design, but rather looks more like a ceiling lamp or panel in the Russian style decorated with birch leaves.
- On the back of the frame I noticed the inscription "Joy", the same as other objects from the collection of things belonging to Count V.G. Orlov, the owner of the estate "Semenovskoye-Joy". For a year of work, having completely disassembled the frame, we restored paper overlays painted with white paint, covering the seams of the frame joints and destroyed corners, observing the basic principle: the new should be slightly different from the old.
Exhibition “Precious Setting. Picture and frame. Dialogues. "
Ekaterina Evseeva, a researcher at the painting department of the 18th-first half of the 19th century, noted that artists often themselves drew a sketch of a frame that would have in common meaning and style with the picture inside. The leopard dress of the lady in the painting “Bacchant” by Fedor Bruni seems to melt on a frame in a dark mesh of tulle moire.
R.E. Lebedev "Pupsik" Assembly 1973.
The traditions of using the frame to expand the field of painting were also adopted by artists of the 20th and 21st centuries: household items, boards and installations are used to design works of art. The psychological effect of the frame is especially noticeable when choosing a picture for a gift: the buyer, like in a jewelry store, wants the masterpiece to be accordingly beautifully designed. In the works of contemporary primitive artists, the frame plays a significant role in separating the imaginary space from the real. A crumpled piece of paper, stained with paint, only then becomes an object of art when this is stated by the frame and information about the concept is given.
Conference hall at the opening of the exhibition “Precious setting. Picture and frame. Dialogues. "
The Tretyakov Gallery for the first time demonstrates a new approach to the presentation of historical material by creating a comprehensive thematic program for viewing material that is interesting to different layers of art lovers. The exhibition will continue until the end of September and will end with an open scientific conference of specialists in the conservation of historical monuments.
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