Exhibitions from the collection of the Turgenev Memorial Museum opened in Orenburg
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ORENBURG. At the same time, two exhibitions were presented to art lovers on August 1 at the regional Museum of Fine Arts. Both expositions arrived in Orenburg from the Spasskoye-Lugovitovo Museum Reserve, the family estate of I. S. Turgenev.
One of the expositions created in the I.S. Turgenev Museum in January 2014 is dedicated to the writer’s favorite pastime - hunting. In the Orenburg Museum, the exhibition is presented under the name given to it by the employees of the museum-reserve - “Hunting and nourishment literature.” It contains a unique collection of works of art, each of which is associated with the theme of hunting.
Hunting themes are not used very often in art, however, in the museum-reserve they managed to collect a considerable number of prints and lithographs made by masters from Russia and Europe in the 18th-19th centuries. Turgenev was known not only as a famous writer, but also as an equally famous hunter. He traveled to the best hunting grounds located in Russia and Europe.
Turgenev often used his travel impressions when creating his works. Therefore, the exposition included lifetime editions of the famous “Notes of the hunter” in different languages, books on hunting topics, as well as personal things of the writer related to his favorite pastime.
The second exhibition - “Western European Engraving”, was created on the basis of the sheets included in the album, published in the 19th century. It was commissioned by the King of Bavaria, Ludwig I. Engravings and lithographs on display were made by German masters from pictorial originals. Having visited the exhibition, visitors will see beautiful views of European countries - Italy, Norway and Bavaria, historical plots and battle scenes.
Exhibitions delivered from the museum of I. S. Turgenev will be in Orenburg until August 31st.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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