The Pushkin Museum. Pushkin presents the paintings of the 17th century Flemish masters
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MOSCOW. In the halls of the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin until October 19th, the public will continue to get acquainted with the masterpieces from the largest museums in the world. The opened painting exhibition consists of works by masters of the Flemish school of painting. The works on display belong to the Prince of Liechtenstein and are considered one of the best collections in the world.
The exhibition marks the anniversary date - twenty years have passed since the time when the Russian state and the principality of Liechtenstein established diplomatic relations. At a press conference gathered in connection with the opening of the exhibition, the Crown Prince of Liechtenstein who arrived at it noted that five years ago in Moscow they already showed works belonging to the princely house.
The 2009 exhibition was so popular that this year it was decided to bring another collection to the Russian capital. The works presented at the opening exhibition have already been seen by residents of China and Japan. Now the masterpieces belonging to the brush of famous masters will be able to see and Russian residents.
Opening the exhibition, the director of the museum, Marina Loshak, said in her speech that the names of the painters whose works were included in the exposition are familiar to everyone, but the opportunity to see the paintings painted by them with their own eyes is rarely provided. In total, the exhibition presents 55 works created in the 17th century by Flemish painters.
Vladimir Sadkov, curator of the exhibition, noted the quality of the exhibition, composed of outstanding works by Flemish masters. Among the 19 works of Paul Rubens is the famous portrait of his daughter, belonging to the most touching children’s portraits in world art. Nearby is the largest painting of the exhibition - “Seafood”, performed by two masters of Flemish.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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