Exhibition of Nikolai Kondratiev, Elena Isaeva, Dmitry Trubetskoy "My native Russia ..."
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In the exhibition hall of the Ulyanovsk Picture Gallery, a branch of the Kaluga Regional Art Museum, from 05/05/2014 to 05/31/2013, the exhibition "My native Russia…" will be held.
The exhibition will feature more than 60 paintings by Moscow artists Nikolai Kondratyev, Elena Isaeva and Dmitry Trubetskoy.
The proximity of creative positions has become the basis for a joint display of paintings by these artists. What unites them, first of all, is their admiration for the diversity of the surrounding world, which is processed through an inner spiritual feeling, reinforced and transferred to the canvas. Lying in the green meadows, birch groves, the endless expanse of lakes, rural views evoke the classic examples of Russian landscape painting, in the mainstream of which Nikolai Kondratyev and his pupils Elena Isaeva and Dmitry Trubetskoy work.
The exhibition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A.V. Kiselev - Founder of the Ulyanovsk art picture gallery. The centenary anniversary will be dedicated to a retrospective exhibition of the master’s works from private collections and funds of the Ulyanovsk art gallery, which is planned this fall.
Alexey Vasilievich Kiselev - Nikolay Kondratyev’s uncle. He revealed to him not only the foundations of fine classical craftsmanship, but also instilled an endless love for his native nature - an inexhaustible source of beauty. These childhood images forever settled in the spacious canvases of Nikolai Kondratiev. From his landscapes emanates great sincerity, kindness and strong positive energy.
This is not the first time Nikolai Kondratiev has brought the work of his pupils to Ulyanovo. In 2012, the personal exhibition of Elena Isaeva “I love this Earth” was successfully held in the Ulyanovsk Picture Gallery. Elena’s work was warmly received by the residents of Ulyanovo. They especially liked the work “View of Ulyanovo”, which Elena Isaeva donated to the Ulyanovsk Picture Gallery.
Following their realistic mentor, both Elena Isaeva and Dmitry Trubetskoy write what is closest to the heart - Central Russian nature. Considering the paintings of Elena and Dmitry, we seem to be transported to the picturesque places that inspired them to create paintings. Dmitry Trubetskoy’s palette is light and rich in airy tones. His landscapes seem to be filled with space, his fields, rivers and lakes fill the canvas widely, compositional rhythms are smooth and extended.
The creativity of these artists will certainly find a way to the hearts of the audience without further ado.
Ulyanovsk Picture Gallery, address: Kaluga Region, Ulyanovo Village, ul. Lapshova, 8
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