The exhibition of the national artist of Karelia Mikhail Yufa is open in Petrozavodsk
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PETROZAVODSK. “Maestro of painting” - under this name, on May 16, the Museum of Fine Arts opened an exhibition of works by Mikhail Yufa dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the national artist of Karelia. The exposition consists of paintings painted by the artist in different years. It presents the main topics of interest to the author throughout his life.
All works for the exhibition, and there are more than forty of them in the exposition, are in the museum’s collection. The “Maestro of Painting” is not only a significant event in the cultural life of the Republic of Karelia. By creating this exhibition, open until June 15, museum staff paid tribute to the talented artist who left us in 2012.
During his lifetime, Mikhail Yufa always visited his exhibitions. Now only a self-portrait, written by the master in 1989, was located in the exhibition hall, as if indicating his presence. In the eighties, Mikhail Shlemovich worked a lot in the Crimea. Some of the paintings painted during this creative period can be seen on display.
It is interesting that in the paintings of Mikhail Yufa you can not find images of the sea. They have rocky roads, old trees with dried branches. He worked a lot in Gurzuf and its environs, but in its landscapes the village always appears night or evening. Even the names given by the author to his paintings emphasize that in the Crimea he painted roads and mountains.
There was a place in the works of Mikhail Yufa and northern motives. It was in these canvases that his reverent attitude to places connected with the historical past of the country was reflected. The artist’s feelings were especially vivid in the triptych with the title “Ancient Frontiers of the Motherland”. At the exhibition, there was a place for still lifes and portraits, in which the original manner of the master and his extraordinary talent are especially clearly visible.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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