Illustrations of books by English writers at an exhibition in the Museum of A. S. Pushkin
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MOSCOW. In the exhibition halls of the Museum A.S. On April 24, Pushkin opened an exhibition of graphics, consisting of illustrations for books of English literature. The exhibition, representing about two hundred graphic works by authors for almost a century, starting in 1920.
The quality of the materials that made up this large-scale exhibition confirms that domestic illustrators occupy a worthy place in this genre of art. In the works participating in the exhibition, various styles were used, striking visitors with the artistic taste of the authors, as well as their imagination and skill.
Domestic artists have been creating illustrations for works written by English writers from the beginning of the last century. The authors of the works complementing the work of Swift, Thackeray and Shakespeare were Vatagin, Kravchenko, Tabor. It is worth noting that the writers themselves chose illustrators for their works.
For this reason, the publishers have long been very cautious about the idea of issuing a collection of Dickens’ works using illustrations made by Soviet artists. During his lifetime, the famous writer kept the process of writing his books under his personal control.
When Dickens’ books, illustrated by the artist Milashevsky, were released, they were received with equal enthusiasm by both artists and readers. Milashevsky created his drawings in a style reminiscent of Pushkin’s drawings.
The exposition includes a large number of drawings created as illustrations for children’s books by English authors. Especially many works of the artist were dedicated to the famous “Alice”. This is the most popular character among English fairytale heroes.
A wonderful exhibition, interesting to spectators of any age, is open until June 2nd.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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