In the Ural city of Irbit opened a large-scale exhibition of old grievry
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IRBIT. A unique exhibition of engraving and drawing was presented on January 16 at the Irbit Museum of Art. The exposition of the exhibition, which presents ancient works belonging to the 16-20 centuries, is located in 14 rooms. There has not been a similar exhibition in Russia yet. Her discovery in the Sverdlovsk region marked the beginning of the Year of Culture.
The history of this large-scale exhibition began in 1976, when the leaders of the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin handed over 520 exhibits from his collection to his Ural colleagues in the newly opened art museum of the city of Irbit. Most of the income was in poor condition. The museum employees were engaged in the restoration of ancient engravings for about thirty-five years.
Valery Karpov, director and creator of the Irbit Museum, said that many of the 520 works that he was allowed to select from the funds of the Moscow Museum were in terrible condition. Some of them were damaged, fungus and mold settled on graphic sheets.
After many years of work by restorers, their condition allows us to display prints, drawings and books at the exhibition. We can confidently say that now each of these unique exhibits will bring joy to museum visitors for a long time. Among them are works that are of value to the history of art.
At the grand opening of the exhibition arrived the President of the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkina Irina Antonova. In her speech, she noted the highest quality of work of restorers. Deputy Regional Minister of Culture Oleg Gubkin said that in May a new museum building will be opened, the work in which is now being completed. Some of the exhibits presented at the opening exhibition will become the basis for the permanent exhibition of the future Museum of Engraving and Drawing.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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