Illustrations to the works of A. S. Pushkin at the Pushkin Museum in Prechistenka
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MOSCOW. On November 30, an exhibition began to work at the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka, which displays drawings by Leningrad artists created from 1930 to 1990. All the works included in the exhibition are dedicated to one topic - A. S. Pushkin and his literary heritage.
Visitors to the exhibition have the opportunity to see more than seventy works of various genres, many of which are not known to the general public. The exhibition presents not only book and easel graphics, but also sketches with images of sets and costumes for theatrical works on Pushkin’s works. All works of the exhibition belong to a private collection of a collector from St. Petersburg.
With the help of this exhibition, many viewers will be able to rediscover the names of talented art masters who worked in the last century. A special place in the exposition is occupied by illustrations for books made in the presented period of time. They are familiar to many visitors of the exhibition, because the books for which they were created were read in childhood.
Watercolors by A. D. Reipolsky for Pushkin’s tales, illustrations and watercolors by N. A. Noskovich, also with fairy tale characters, will evoke nostalgic memories among a majority of viewers. Humor-filled illustrations by V. M. Menshikov with images of Pop and his worker from the famous fairy tale will surely make every visitor to the exhibition smile.
Sketches for the scenery made by the artist N. Kh. Rutkovsky for the opera The Queen of Spades, as well as the Pushkin theme in the sketches of M. A. Grigoriev for the opera Boris Godunov, will be a surprise for visitors to the exhibition. Most of the "theatrical" works are familiar only to specialists. Until February 28, the exhibition is open to all comers.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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