The Pushkin Museum brought to Kaluga "The World of Albrecht Durer"
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November 8 at 15:00 in the exhibition hall of the Kaluga Regional Art Museum will be the grand opening of the exhibition of prints "The World of Albrecht Durer" from the collection of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A. Pushkin.
The exhibition is unique for our city, since for the first time in the Kaluga region genuine original prints of the outstanding German master of engraving Albrecht Durer are presented.
Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) - the famous German artist of the Renaissance, who had a huge impact on the development of engraving techniques. Dürer was born in Nuremberg on May 21, 1471 in the family of a jeweler. Having received the first artistic skills in the father’s family - gold and silver craftsmen, at the age of fifteen he entered the workshop of the leading Nuremberg artist of that time Michael Volgemut, where he mastered not only painting, but also wood engraving. Dürer retained a lifelong attachment to these various forms of art. Already in 1490 he left the workshop of Volgemouth and began an independent creative life. Dürer travels a lot in Germany, Switzerland, engraves in wood and copper, and soon becomes one of the largest masters of engraving not only in Germany but also in Europe.
The works of Albrecht Durer are distinguished by the desire for spatiality, volumetricity and realism of the depicted. And the amazing balance between detailing the objects and the integrity of the perception of the composition, sharply distinguishes the works of Dürer among the similar works of his time.
The exhibition features 60 engraving works on wood and copper. It is based on the well-known series: “Apocalypse”, “Passion” and “Life of Mary”.
The exhibition runs until December 15, 2013.
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