In the art museum of Krasnodar opened the hall of ancient Russian painting
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KRASNODAR. In the art museum. Since October 4, Kovalenko has a new permanent exhibition - now visitors can see the painting with which the art of Ancient Russia began. For rare icon-painting works, schools of Moscow and Novgorod masters in the museum assigned a separate room. These works, belonging to the collections of the museum fund and the collection of the capital’s historical museum, were found in the twenties of the last millennium.
The exhibition’s exposition included not only holiday icons telling about the twelve main church holidays, but also “everyday” canvases depicting scenes from the life of saints. Some of the icons related to the northern script were created by people of the secular estate, and this was the reason for the presence of Russian folk motifs in them.
In total, 12 icons painted in the 16-17th centuries are on display in the hall, but these are only the first steps in creating a permanent exhibition. It will be fully formed in about a month, in early November. According to the employee of the museum Elena Krasavchenko, who is the curator of the exhibition, the icon of the “northern letter” is so far presented in the singular, it is called “Our Lady of the Mammal”.
Although such subjects in Russian icon painting were already known in the 14-15th century, they were widely used in the 17th century, thanks to the influence of Italian painting, which gained popularity. This icon evokes associations with the favorite plot of Italian painters - “Madonna and Child”, only written in Old Russian.
Among the icons painted in the style of life, the image of mother with her son - "Saints Kirik and Ulit" is of interest. On the icon, on the sides of the main characters, there are small pictures with the story depicted on them about the history of the life and martyrdom of saints.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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