New still lifes of Vladimir Korbakov at a personal exhibition in Vologda
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VOGDA. The Museum Center “Korbakov’s House” on September 27 invites you to attend the opening of the exhibition of folk artist Vladimir Korbakov. The exhibition, called "Still Life", includes more than fifty works created by the painter in 2012-2013.
Although the new still lifes, written by Vladimir Korbakov, are distinguished by a variety of subjects, a significant place is still occupied by the artist’s favorite and familiar theme - various versions of the image of flowers. Tulips, mimosas and even dandelions bloom on the canvases.
However, at this exhibition still life with images of sunflowers occupy a special place. Since less than two years later 125 years have passed since the great Dutch master of painting Van Gogh passed away, Vladimir Korbakov decided to honor the memory of his beloved artist with canvases with images of sunflowers. For this reason, among the still lifes created by Korbakov, canvases appeared called “Sunflower and Apples”, “Dried Sunflowers”, and “Sunflowers with a Portrait of Van Gogh”.
In a separate section of the exhibition are collected new still lifes by Vladimir Korbakov, addressed to young lovers of pictorial art. These are works depicting children’s toys - “Three girlfriends and a dog”, “Soft toy”, roosters with a parrot located at the feeding trough.
Another series of still lifes was created by the artist with images of various household items, souvenirs, gifts. In a word, the canvases depict everything that attracted the attention of the painter. In some paintings, the artist gave vent to his imagination. The result was the appearance of such works as “Lady with the Dog,” “Patron of Dandelions”.
The exhibition, open until November 9, once again shows how unique the talent of Vladimir Korbakov is.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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