"At the source of myth" was visited by Ukrainian artist Sergey Gai
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KIEV. Since February 26, Sergei Gai invites people of Kiev to plunge with him into the phantasmagoric world of myths. His solo exhibition “At the Source of Myth” will be held in the Mironova Gallery for a whole month until March 26.
The exhibition is surrounded by a special atmosphere - in her art space is ruled by a Woman and her eternal image, which has absorbed thousands of myths of different nations. Virtuous and vicious, merciless and merciful, generous and jealous - the role given to the female race on earth contains all possible contrasts and the sometimes unattainable goal of being an ideal wife, mother, and even to be able to fully realize the personal potential laid down by God!
Also, an attentive public cannot fail to notice how much the Western school had a strong influence on the formation of the artist. Sergei Gai - a native of Lviv cultural circles, brought up in the spirit of conflicting love for his country and the closeness of thinking to the Western world. His work is contrasting and crowded with images, including mythological ones.
Graceful horses, symbols of the earth, stability and fidelity balance female elemental energy. The passion and suffering of the heroes of ancient Greek myths come to life on the canvases of the artist and cause not only a storm of emotions coming from the subconscious!
Eva Istr © Gallerix.ru
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