Parallels in painting - the exhibition "Between Us" and "BDSM-2222" opened in Kiev
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KIEV. On February 14, Kiev was shocked by the opening of two somewhat extravagant and contrasting exhibitions located at the Shcherbenko art center.
The project "Between Us" from the Open Group of Artists and the exhibition "BDSM-2222" by Danil Galkin - at first glance seem incompatible! But for verification - complement each other.
The Open Union creative union of contemporary Ukrainian artists is famous for its experiments in working with space, as well as for studying the relationship between various objects located in real life or breaking out of the psyche, often in very inappropriate forms. The project "Between Us" sets a goal: to understand what can unite people with different upbringing, education and worldview? What can be in common between a pensioner and a young teenager who is living his age, before whom the whole world is open?
“BDSM-2222” is an even sharper project from Danil Galkin, which raises questions about the nature of child sexuality, first posed by the world as early as Sigmund Freud.
The artist asks the question: “What do adult taboos lead to the first manifestations of children’s sexuality?” What deviations in adult personalities are associated with incompetent upbringing and prohibitions on studying the reactions of one’s own body? Indeed, the essence of all deviations is a psychological block, originally from childhood, with which a person could not cope on his own and for the rest of his life he was forced to live with deviations in the sexual sphere, and often in the sphere of establishing warm, sincere relationships with other people.
The exhibitions will last until March 5 and will allow visitors to look under the cover of hypocrisy and see an unsightly reality. After all, only by accepting the Truth and understanding its root causes, you can change your fate.
Eve Istr
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