Impressions from trips to European countries in the new works of Alexei Myasnikov
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NIZHNY NOVGOROD. Today, November 19, an exhibition of works by the Nizhny Novgorod artist Alexei Myasnikov opens. The name of the exhibition is “The Diary of an Artist”, which fully corresponds to its content. This is really a diary, exactly the same as many travelers on trips lead, only it was not written with a pen in a notebook, but with the artist’s brush on canvas or paper. At the opening exhibition, Alexey Myasnikov will show his works written from nature while traveling in Sweden, Austria, Spain, Montenegro and other countries.
The exhibition is located in the Nizhny Novgorod representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which constantly acquaints the public with the creative life of Nizhny Novgorod. The representative office showed not only the works of the city’s masters of painting, there were works from the DPRK, an exhibition of photographs with the architectural works of the architect from Austria F. Hundertwasser captured on them was held.
Many of the artists who took part in the project of the representation then became participants in international exhibitions organized by the Nizhny Novgorod representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with representative offices located in foreign countries. This is not the first time Alexey Myasnikov’s exhibition has been held at the representative office; he participates in this project annually. The artist writes his work in watercolor, gouache and acrylic paints.
The path of Alexei Myasnikov to art began at the Gorky Art College, which he graduated in 1984. A few years later, the young artist continued his studies in Moscow, in 1995 he graduated from the Higher Art School named after Stroganov, in the same year joined the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation. He works as a teacher at the Department of Design of NNGASU, while giving a lot of energy to creativity.
Ludmila Trautmane
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