In Moscow, an exhibition of Kandinsky Prize nominees
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This year, the largest number of applications for the entire period of its existence has been received for the Prize contest. Of the 385 applications, the international jury and the expert council of the Kandinsky Prize selected 35 works that will make up the exposition of the exhibition of nominees for the Prize.
As part of the exhibition, the second stage of voting will take place - the international jury of the Kandinsky Prize will name the finalists in each of the two nominations of the Prize. The total prize fund in 2012 will be 50,000 euros: “Project of the Year” (40,000 euros) and “Young Artist. Project of the Year ”(10,000 euros).
The Kandinsky Prize exhibition will occupy the entire space of the building of the Udarnik movie theater in Moscow, with halls, lobbies, corridors that turn into time capsules. Works are grouped into sections. “The exposition is conceived as a temporary funnel that incorporates layers of the past, present and future, which largely corresponds to the situation in modern Russia, where many different temporalities coexist and often form paradoxical connections,” expositionist Kirill Svetlyakov comments on the format of the exhibition.
Architects Igor Chirkin and Aleksey Podkidyshev say: “The first exposition of the Kandinsky Prize in the former Udarnik cinema is unique in that it is organized in a space that has not yet been adapted for the museum and contains time layers of previous eras. This encourages exhibitors to play with time and “synchronize” works of art, each of which has its own temporality and at the same time interacts with other works, as well as with the spatio-temporal context of the cinema. ”
Kandinsky Prize - an independent Russian award in the field of contemporary art. One of the distinguishing features of the Prize is the possibility of self-nomination of nominees. Along with members of the jury and expert council, museums, galleries and other institutions, the artist himself can apply for participation in the Prize. Such an opportunity makes the application process as democratic as possible.
In 2012, the voting process changed. As before, the first stage of voting is conducted via the Internet, but since 2012, the work of all participants in the first round contest this year has been freely available on the award website. At the first stage, applications were published on the site under the numbers (without the names of the authors) with an image and a brief description of the work.
An exhibition of nominees for the Kandinsky Prize 2012 will be held in the building of the Udarnik movie theater from October 26 to December 16, 2012.
Official site of the Kandinsky Prize:
2012 Kandinsky Prize Nominees List
Nomination “Project of the Year” (20 nominees out of 188 applications)
1. AES + F. "Sacred allegory"
2. Elena Artemenko. "New"
3. Gregory Bruskin. The sculptural project "TIME H"
4. Aladdin Garunov. Total Prayer
5. Vladimir Grig. "Kustarakita over the river"
6. Dmitry Gutov. E’IK ’? N
7. Natalia Zintsova. "New life forms"
8. Anna Ermolaeva. Five Year Plan
9. Tatyana Istomina. “Historical Research: Source Analysis”
10. The team of authors (Anton Litvin, Anton Nikolaev, Andrei Velikanov, Irina Shteinberg,
Vladimir Arkhipov, Mikhail Kosolapov, Marina Perchikhina, Alexander Podosinov). Plein Air
11. Zakhar Kolovsky. “Emergency Ascent”
12. Anton Litvin. "Procession"
13. Collective action. Corridor KD
14. Nikolai Polissky. The Universal Mind
15. Vitaly Pushnitsky. "Mechanisms of time"
16. Roman Sakin. "Master of the 3rd category"
17. TOTART. "Natalia Abalakova and Anatoly Zhigalov"
18. Andrey Filippov. Fan outage
19. Dmitry Tsvetkov. "Heads of heroes"
20. Yuri Shabelnikov. Bible Mail
Nomination “Young artist. Project of the Year ”(15 nominees out of 197 applications)
1. Dmitry Venkov. Crazy Copycats
2. Sofia Gavrilova. Moscow / Nemoskva
3. Aslan Gaisumov. “Untitled (war)”
4. Evgeny Granilshchikov. "Letter". "Method"
5. Arseny Zhilyaev. “Museum of proletarian culture. Bohemia Industrialization
6. Spare parts (Stepan Subbotin, Vasily Subbotin, Evgeny Rimkevich and Konstantin Chekmarev). "Utopia"
7. Olga Karjakina. La blanca
8. Olga Kroytor. "Cleansing"
9. Ekaterina Lazareva. Migrants
10. Victoria Marchenkova. "Potential great-grandfather"
11. Roman Mokrov. "Endless story"
12. Maria Safronova. "Schedule"
13. Alexey Tregubov. "Who is it?"
14. Anastasia Khoroshilova. "Man without territory"
15. Anton Chumak. “The total installation of the Temple of Fire”
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