Famous musicians and beautiful women at the exhibition of David Borovsky
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An exhibition of the famous graphic artist David Borisovich Borovsky began to work in the St. Petersburg art gallery DiDi. His graphic works accompanied the life of several generations, present in almost every home. These were illustrations written by Borovsky to the works of Russian classical literature. The books of Turgenev and Goncharov, published at the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century, became events, thanks to their design by David Borovsky. Particularly popular were the artist’s illustrations for the famous Turgenevskaya novel Spring Water. ”
David Borovsky participated in many international exhibitions, representing the work of Soviet graphics in Eastern Europe. The artist’s works are in the permanent exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery, in which they are located, since 1954. Borovsky’s works are included in the collection of the Russian Museum and adorn the expositions of provincial museums in Russia. The artist worked in various genres of painting, but before the beginning of the nineties, Borovsky’s main occupation was graphics, mainly the design of books.
In the future, the artist changed his affection, starting to work in other genres of painting. Now among his works appeared landscapes, portraits and drawings with ballet scenes made from nature. For Borovsky, drawing from nature has become increasingly important, although full-time painting has always been an essential part of his work.
The name of the exhibition is fully consistent with its content. “Music and Nude” - portraits of famous musicians and sketches of nudity. Portraits of musicians were also written on the basis of field impressions, with many of them the artist was connected by personal friendship.
The exhibition runs until October 30th.
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