Medals and engravings of the Great Russian victories at the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin
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From August 27, visitors to the Pushkin Museum will be able to know the Beautiful through a retrospective of the great military events for Russia. The historical events of the war with Napoleon were skillfully captured in numerous medals and engravings. In addition, the exposition included awards created in subsequent years to encourage people who devote all their efforts to serving their homeland.
About four hundred exhibits, which include Russian and French medals, coins, awards, seals, and prints, are of extreme artistic value. Surviving from the late 18th - early 19th centuries, they reflect the most striking events of the war of 1812 and serve as a vivid illustration of the confrontation between the two empires.
The exhibition was organized to mark the 200th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army over Napoleon and is represented by miniatures and other documentary evidence - books, personal correspondence of historical figures. The Pushkin Museum. Pushkin is proud of those unique relics that will be kept in his collection - soldier’s insignia, personal seals of General P.I. Bagration and V.P. Kochubey - Minister of Internal Affairs, as well as the imperial medallion and other signs of memory.
All the faithful lovers of Russian history will be able to visit the exhibition until October 10. However, contemporary artists have much to learn from the works presented at the exhibitions. To fit so much in so little is a real art!
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