The world through the eyes of Pushkin. Pushkin through the eyes of the world
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Every day, in any city in Russia, exhibitions open, creative evenings are held and people meet to talk about the beautiful or to look at it. The past of June 5 was no exception, since the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the poet took place in the capital, at the monument of which lovers are still dating… Now, until July 5, you can safely spend romantic hours in the museum!
“Pushkin is our everything!”, The artists Maria and Natalya Arendt chose this name. The State Literary Museum willingly placed paintings in its halls dedicated to the great reformer of Russian poetry - Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. The kinship with the doctor, in whose case, by tragic accident, there was no penicillin to save the master of the word wounded in a duel, makes artists not just abstract contemplators of the events of bygone times, but as if accomplices to the acts of harsh Fate, who did not want to leave the poet a chance to surpass herself.
It is not surprising that behind the paintings devoted to Pushkin’s life, death, and creativity, there is more than just another return to the topic that was long beaten by writers: “What would happen if the poet stayed alive?” And who said that he died? It is as if the canvases of Natalia and Mary affirm. He lives in every word of the modern language and continues to influence even that part of the modern literary beau monde that recognizes nothing but verlibres. Perhaps if Pushkin lived today, he would be the first to proclaim the need to revolutionize the printed word and transform the gloom accumulated by past generations. The fact that the poet "could not" express in verse, the artists "write" in oil. In the end, poetry can prove itself in a million ways!
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