A clean look at the familiar world at the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin
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The camera lens can accommodate all aspects of our reality. And, if the themes of conflicts, wars, struggle with life’s difficulties most often appear in adult photographs, then children use the capabilities of the camera to “stop the moment”, which is wonderful! Therefore, the award ceremony for young photographers, held the other day in the Museum of Fine Arts named after the great Pushkin, was bright and joyful.
The international contest “The World through the Eyes of Children” celebrated its second anniversary on June 7, 2012. Its goal is not only to promote the ideas of art photography to the masses, but also to help all children (including those with disabilities) realize their creative potential. Over 450 children from Russia and the CIS countries took part in the project. The work of young photographers was evaluated by a competent jury solely on the quality of the pictures taken. All works were encrypted, so the commission did not own data on the gender, age, place and living conditions of the children.
Before the award ceremony, many master classes were held where children were taught the basics of environmental culture, taught to make the Tula Bride fabric doll with their own hands, and, of course, professional photographers shared their secrets. During the award ceremony, live music sounded, many warm words were pronounced. The participants and guests of the contest were pleasantly struck by the old atmosphere, which the Museyon employees and the staff of the FotoCh charity project managed to create. Not to mention the amazing feeling with which people left the old estate after viewing more than 1,500 thousand diverse photographs!
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