Women’s tattoos:
how to choose a pattern?
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The fashion for tattoos does not cease to amaze: in ancient times they were made only by wild tribes, then men from places not so distant, now the ladies are adorning their bodies with intricate designs. You can admire tattoos or scold girls for decorating their bodies, but one thing is for sure: tattoos cannot leave anyone indifferent. Initially, tattoos had only applied meaning and were used as a hallmark. Tattoos branded criminals, soldiers or slaves. Now everyone is painting the body of their own free will. Many tattoo lovers believe that the drawings on their bodies are completely harmless, but in fact this is not so. If you decide to get a tattoo, choose the “right” pattern.
All masters divide tattoos into two types: drawings in open areas of the body that all people can see, and hidden tattoos that are not shown to the general public. Tattoos are made for several reasons. First you need to voice them, and only then unravel the meaning of the most popular drawings. Most people paint their bodies just to stand out. Often behind such a reason lies self-doubt and the absence of an inner core. Some people prefer to make a tattoo for "memory." Drawing means a specific event in life or a person who has left a mark on fate. Such tattoos are applied by ambitious people who always set great goals.
Tattoos are often used as an amulet and applied as a protection, usually after serious incidents. Thanks to such tattoos, many people come out of crisis or depression. Now, many tattoos on the girls’ bodies serve only as decoration, and ladies believe that it is very sexy and beautiful. These drawings are made without intent and are intended only to please the eyes of others. For example, in tattoo salons in St. Petersburg Vows of eternal love are very popular now. True, in most cases, the owners of such drawings try to bring them together after some time. When a person is disappointed in the object of his desires, he gets rid of the picture or finds a new love, and then corrects the picture. Another common reason that many people decorate their bodies is because of their dedication to some idea. It may be a religious symbol, the name of a rock band or a football team. Such drawings are done in open areas of the body.
If you decide what you need a tattoo for, now you have to decide on the type of pattern. The symbols that you choose for a tattoo are of great importance. Any drawing applied to the body lives its own life. As many tattoo artists say, the only thing you can invest in is a tattoo. She will stay with you for life, unlike real estate, cars or other values. Making a tattoo, a person changes, hangs a label on himself, which will have to correspond for many years. At the time of application, a person gives up his energy, puts a certain meaning and mood into the drawing. The tattoo helps for a while, but then it starts to take away your energy. And in this case, many people decide on one more tattoo, as a result of which several different patterns appear on the body in a few years.
Tattoos in the form of mystical or magical symbols. Their meaning can be passed on from generation to generation. Any of the drawings has several opposite meanings. Magical symbols, as a rule, are needed by people for the realization of any purpose. In this case, it is better to apply a temporary tattoo or buy a special amulet. The fact is that a person can not devote his life to only one goal, so a tattoo for life will be superfluous.
Tattoos in the form of ornaments. With the help of such drawings, a woman wants to bring diversity and beauty into her life, she is trying to create a certain harmony out of chaos. You can always change the ornament, so such tattoos are not forbidden. The main thing is to choose a closed area of the body for them.
Tattoos with images of people. Masters do not advise women to make such tattoos, because images of people unconsciously make you repeat the life path of a person whose face is depicted on your body. The memory of this person will give a feeling of protection and strength, but will not allow you to let go of the past and move on. If you are in a happy marriage and want a tattoo with the image of your spouse, only in this case you can afford such a pattern.
Narrative tattoos. Now they are very popular among men and women. Any plot makes a person plunge into this event. The owners of such tattoos, as a rule, are good actors, they live with various ideas that completely captivate. In fact, a person begins to live a different life with a plot tattoo. If you decide on a drawing, think many times.
Tattoos with images of animals and other "friends" of a person. Often people associate themselves with these animals, but you must remember that any living creature has flaws and advantages. After applying the tattoo, you will take part of the habits and character traits of the beast. At some point, the animal will even help you, but in most cases it limits the possibilities.
- “Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion” by Greg Boyle
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