Exhibition equipment - from museums to fairs
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An unusual exhibition has opened in Amsterdam: visitors can not only see the exhibits, but also spend the night in them. The fact is that the exhibition located in the open air on the sea coast is dedicated to leisure and creativity, and all the objects were created by architects and artists from recycled waste.
Exhibitions in the classical sense of the word, of course, cannot boast of such "free" treatment of their exhibits. The value of some exhibition objects is so great that it requires the manufacture of special exhibition equipment that protects the exhibit not only from environmental factors, but also from the excessive attention of visitors. For example, Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painting of all time, Mona Lisa, is in a special frame with bulletproof glass after it has been damaged twice by vandals. That is why when preparing any exhibition, special attention should be paid to the quality and appearance of the exhibition equipment.
The unusual design of the exhibition equipment will help to solve another problem - to attract the attention of visitors to your exposition, because the first thing that guests of any major event pay attention to is the external decoration of exhibition stands or shop windows. On the one hand, they should look modern and elegant, on the other hand, they must correspond to the corporate style of the company and be recognizable. Much attention should be paid to the safety of exhibits, especially when valuable jewelry, ancient artifacts, etc. are presented for the exhibition. Despite the fact that in world practice there have long been no cases of theft of values from the exhibition, it would be too reckless to forget about security.
Modern exhibition equipment differs markedly from what was used only a few decades ago. New composite materials are replacing the traditional ones: they are lightweight, convenient to transport and install, they are durable, have special grooves for electric cables, which allows to solve the problem of lighting and signaling. The number of types of exhibition equipment - showcases, columns, racks, model systems - allows you to solve any problem, to present in the best way any product or service, regardless of the rank of the event, whether it be an international museum exposition or a regional industrial fair.
We are grateful for the information provided by the Stand Market company, which offers exhibition stands: manufacturing of exhibition equipment, construction of mobile exhibition stands in Moscow .
Anna Sidorova © Gallerix.ru