All-Russian Conference of TLC of Russia
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Strings M.V. Lomonosov could have become an excellent epigraph to the Second Reporting and Election Conference of the Creative Union of Russian Artists, which brought together the best representatives of Russian fine art, the problems and issues that they discussed and raised, which are truly an abyss.
The conference brought together more than one hundred famous artists of the country: E.I. Zverkov (vice-president of PAX, people’s artist of the USSR), A.A. Bichukov (vice-president of PAX, people’s artist of the USSR), V.M. Zaitsev (PAX Corresponding Member), V.A. Yudashkin (Honorary Academician of PAX), B.I. Messerer (member of the Presidium of PAX, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation), I.V. Krutikova (Honorary Academician of PAX, Chairman of the Fashion Section of the TLC of Russia), A.A. Leonov (twice Hero of the Soviet Union), E.N. Drobitsky (president of the TSH of Russia, vice-president of PAX, people’s artist of the Russian Federation), A.I. Burganov (academician, people’s artist of the Russian Federation), I.P. Obrosov (member of the Presidium of PAX, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation), V.I. Makeev (People’s Artist of the Russian Federation), A. Tikhomirov (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Blagoveshchensk), E.N. Datsko (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Kaliningrad), F.G. Tebiev (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) and many others.
The forum was attended by the leaders of other creative unions, representatives of government institutions and cultural institutions: V.A. Bubnov (Chairman of the Ministry of Agriculture, PAX Corresponding Member, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation), Yu.V. Zhuliev (PAX Corresponding Member, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Union of Artists of Russia), B. A. Glukhov (Deputy Chairman of the Ministry of Agriculture, PAX Corresponding Member, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation), E.G. Kurochkin (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation), NE. Goryaev (Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation), A.L. Bobykin (Chairman of the International Association of Design Unions), Yu.S. Egorov (head of the department of museum and exhibition work of the Committee on Culture of Moscow), S. A. Ivanov (academician, doctor of pedagogical sciences), S. Kolov (adviser to the Presidential Administration in the Central Federal District), S.G. Gerasimov (Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the Moscow City Duma), Z.A. Belaya (director of the Stavropol State Art Museum), V.I. Perfiliev (adviser to the department of fine arts of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography), RB Tsydenova (Director of the State Art Museum of the Republic of Buryatia), R.V. Gudzeev (Chairman of the Art Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan), M.V. Khabarova (Head of the PAX Regional Department). Cultural figures of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the country’s regions today are faced with the most difficult and sometimes insoluble problems and tasks of a legal, legal, economic nature, which sometimes make creative work impossible. I. Obrosov, V. Maloletkov, N. Datsko, T. Dadishvili, A. Leonov emphasized the fact that today the creative worker is practically not protected by the state either legally or economically, and this is primarily due to the fact that so far the law "On creative unions" has not been adopted. The same topic was voiced in the report of the president of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. E.N. Drobitsky. But at the same time, it is undoubted that the union is doing a great job to consolidate the country’s best creative forces. The Union unites artists and art workers of all creative directions and genres from traditional realistic to abstract and relevant. Our union unites both creators and performers, artists of related professions: restorers, chasers, decorators. And in this regard, E.N. Drobitsky gave a fine example: the outstanding sculptor L.E. Karbel created a working model of the monument to K. Marx, and a group of artists under his leadership realized it in granite. Who are they? Artists or not? Of course, artists! It is unlikely that a simple worker, without special art education, would be able to carry out this work.
Despite all sorts of difficulties, our union is actively engaged in creative and social activities, which has significantly increased the number of its members, not only in Moscow but also in the regions. It is gratifying that young artists of almost all creative directions and styles are increasingly joining the union.
The number of exhibitions and events has grown significantly. Some of them have recently been held with the support and participation of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the prefecture of the Central Administrative District, the Committee on Culture and the Committee for Public Relations of Moscow. And here the Creative Union of Russian Artists successfully takes over the experience gained by the Russian Academy of Arts and its department for working with regions. With the support of the Permanent Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, over the past four years, the Academy held major exhibitions: My Siberia, The Golden Ring of Russia, Red Gate, and several others. President TCX Russia E.N. Drobitsky made a proposal, approved by the conference delegates, for the election of seven TCX Russia vice presidents in charge of each federal district. They will establish relations with the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the districts, governors, city administrations, representatives of politics and business of the region, as well as work closely with the Russian Academy of Arts. For the first time in the history of the union, gold, silver and bronze medals were established. At the conference and the opening of the exhibition "Contemporary Art of Russia" 160 artists were awarded these medals.
According to the results of the conference and the “round table” held as part of the conference on January 20, 2005 at the Vykhino State Exhibition Hall, the artists adopted a resolution, the basic concept of which was the unanimous opinion that culture is a fundamental factor in building modern civil society. And the state, as a subject of power and law, must create a system of economic, legal and other conditions conducive to the preservation and development of culture as the spiritual basis for the existence of the people.
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