The emergence of Slavic culture in the Middle Ages, part 2
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The ancient Slavic gods were anthropomorphic. It is characteristic that, without a state, the Slavs did not have a clear hierarchy of gods. The god of the Sun was Chorus, fire - Svarog, wind - Stribog, cattle - Beliera (Hair), a thunderer, and also later the god of war - Perun. The goddess of the hearth and fertility was Makosh (Mokoshi). The Slavs believed that goobies live in forests, water and mermaids in reservoirs, and brownies in houses.
The ancient Slavs were characterized by a cosmocentric worldview. Man knew that his life depended on nature, therefore self-restraint was natural for him, unwillingness to harm her with his intervention, and, finally, the deification of nature.
Everyday life, holidays, religion demanded a certain ritual from the Slavs, which found expression in songs and dances. Ancient Slavic legends, songs, conspiracies and jokes are close in their warehouse to the ancient poetry of the Vedas and Avesta. Labor ceremonial songs, funeral lamentations, riddles, fairy tales, children’s and youthful games, and also agricultural signs appeared.
The Slavs developed a musical culture. It is known that they had strings (a prototype of a gusli), wind instruments - horns, miserables, etc., percussion musical instruments - all kinds of tambourines and bells. Even in war, the Slavs took musical instruments besides weapons.
In the IX century. the eastern Slavs arose a state - Kievan Rus. It originally formed from a dozen regions inhabited by various tribal East Slavic associations. Kievan Rus can rightfully be called the largest European state of that time. For example, Tivertsy occupied the territory equal to the English kingdom, and Vyatichi - to Castile. According to chronicles, in the XII century. there were already 224 cities in Russia. It is no coincidence that the Vikings called Russia Gardariki - the country of cities. Crafts developed in the cities, they were the centers of trade, it was there that all the princely wealth and reserves were stored.
Without a doubt, large, European-scale cities can be called Kiev, Novgorod, Smolensk, Tver, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Galich and others. The settlement around the central part of the city, often called the Kremlin, was called a posad. The villages close to the cities, which eventually merged with the city, turning into its regions, were called settlements or freedoms.
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More than 60 craft specialties of the period of Kievan Rus are known. Iron production was developing quite well. Even in Europe they knew the blades and chain mail made by ancient Russian artisans. Kladen swords were very much appreciated, the manufacturing technique of which was that the produced sword was buried in the ground for a certain period of time, then it was removed (like a treasure, hence the name), all rusted places were destroyed, and from the material untouched by rust after melting it turned out to be an excellent weapon with very high steel characteristics.
Kievan Rus was famous for its jewelry. They were made using the cloisonne enamel technique (now lost), filigree, grains, blackening.