Russian culture during the time of Peter I
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The transformative activities of Peter I (1682-1725), aimed at the Europeanization of the Russian state, covered all spheres of his life.
Thanks to the policy of protectionism, manufactory production began to develop rapidly, and a fleet was created, which became, after the end of the Northern War (1700 - 1721), the strongest fleet of the Baltic Sea. Russia was the first in the world to create a regular national army, which greatly facilitated its access to the seas: Azov and Baltic. The “Table of Ranks” made it possible to make an official career thanks not to hereditary privileges, but to one’s own qualities and advantages. The state completely subjugated the church to itself, abolishing the patriarchate and placing the Synod (collegial body) to lead it. Hundreds of young people were sent to European countries to study sciences and arts.
The monopoly of the state on information is violated. Since 1702, the first printed newspaper, Chimes, and then Vedomosti, began to appear. Not only in the capital, but also in a number of provincial cities, digital schools are being created. A network of secular schools is beginning to form. Under Peter I, professional schools were opened: Navigation, Artillery, Engineering, as well as Naval and Medical Schools.
In the Gluck gymnasium, where the main emphasis was on the study of foreign languages, they began to train specialists for diplomatic work. In 1715, the Maritime Academy was opened. A year earlier, a library was opened in St. Petersburg, the main fund of which was the books of the Moscow Kremlin, as well as purchased abroad. And no matter what at that moment was weather in Tver or Moscow. The reconnaissance and geographical expeditions to the Far East were also successful. The works of the botanist I. G. Gmelin “Flora of Siberia” or S. P. Krasheninnikov “Description of the Land of Kamchatka” are still popular among modern scientists. This is the time of the travels of V. Bering and A. I. Chirikov, who proved that the Strait separates Asia and America.