Realism in Russian art of the XIX century
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Since the beginning of the century, a domestic plot has become a popular topic in Russian painting. One of the first to turn to him was A.G. Venetsianov (1780-1847), whose paintings from the life of peasants were marked with a stamp of sentimentalism ("On arable land. Spring", "On the harvest. Summer").
One of the brightest representatives of the everyday genre in painting was P.A. Fedotov (1815-1852). He became the founder of the genre of critical realism in Russian art. In a series of cartoons, watercolor battle scenes, pencil sketches, portraits of P.A. Fedotov by the mid-1840s. formulates a program of critical realism, called upon to resort to satire, to expose morals and sympathize with the destitute: “Fresh Cavalier”, “Major Matchmaking”, “Anchor, another anchor!”.
Of great importance in the development of Russian painting was the work of A. A. Ivanov (1806-1858). The artist, imbued with faith in the prophetic and enlightening role of art, the ability to transform humanity with his help, tried to comprehend in his work the main issues of human being, to put forward the most significant philosophical and moral problems. His life feat can be considered the painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People." The gospel story was interpreted by A. A. Ivanov as a real historical event, based on a spiritual revolution in the life of oppressed humanity. The artist worked on this giant canvas for more than 20 years.
In 1863, fourteen graduates of the Academy of Arts left it in protest against academic dogma, since traditionally the topic of the thesis was to be written on historical or religious-mythological subjects. In 1863, the Scandinavian epic was proposed for theses. Graduates felt that the topics were far-fetched and had nothing to do with contemporary problems of concern to all. Under the leadership of I.N. Kramskoy (1837-1887) and with the participation of the critic V.V. Stasov and philanthropist P.M. The Association of Traveling Exhibitions was created. The range of creativity of the Wanderers was unusually wide: historical painting and social life, portrait, landscape. Critical realism in their work reaches a great depth of psychological generalizations. The artist V. G. Perov (1833-1882) was the creator of accusatory genre paintings directed against the ugly phenomena of reality ("The Last Tavern at the Outpost", "Rural Religious Procession on Easter"). In many of his paintings, landscape plays an important role. The largest landscape painters were A.K. Savrasov (1830-1897), I.I. Shishkin (1832-1898), A.I. Kuindzhi (1841-1910).
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The famous artist-realist I. E. Repin (1844-1930) from the beginning of the 1870s. acts as a democrat artist fighting against the non-reflective life of academic art. I. Ye. Repin denounced the exploitation of the people, at the same time showing the protest ripening in it and the latent power ("Barge Haulers on the Volga", "Refusal of Confession"). He created portraits of his contemporaries, as well as a number of paintings on a historical theme ("Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan," etc.). The paintings of V.I. Surikov (1848-1916) ("Morning of the Strelets’ Execution", "Boyar Morozova") called for the development of "historical thinking".
The first quarter of the XIX century. became the time of the development of the Empire style in architecture. In St. Petersburg, magnificent official buildings and architectural ensembles are erected, designed to symbolize the prosperity and invincibility of the Russian Empire. At that time, such wonderful architects as K. I. Rossi, A. N. Voronikhin, A. D. Zakharov and O. I. Beauvais and D. I. Gilardi worked in Moscow.
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