Story with the letter "P"
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You are not familiar with Frolov Nikolay Alekseevich? Five years ago, I also did not hear anything about this man. I work as a doctor in a sanatorium and, by virtue of my profession, I manage to get to know a lot of interesting people. On that beautiful day, a colleague celebrated his birthday. We wrote him congratulations in verse, like this: . And then an ordinary patient entered the office, with a wand, looking 75-80 years old.
Survey, inspection, appointments, everything is as always. A nice person to talk to, contact and talkative, but suffering from certain diseases characteristic of this age. We talked, as befits a doctor and a patient, I controlled the healing process. During the last visit, Nikolai Alekseevich asked: “Will you allow me to present a small gift in memory of our acquaintance?” He held out a small booklet and, looking at it, I realized that I had been interacting with an unusually talented person for twenty-one days, and also, very modest. The book was called "Visiting the Prilukin Estate". It was released in 2002 in Belgorod. Already at home, having carefully studied the gift, I realized how unique this work is. Each word of this story begins with the same letter. The story is unusually interesting in form and content. My delight knew no bounds.
Frolov Nikolai Alekseevich was born in November 1923 in the village of Sindeevka, Kursk region. During the Great Patriotic War, he voluntarily left for the Tambov Artillery and Weapons Technical School, and later participated in hostilities. In 1953 he graduated from the journalism department of the Kursk Regional Party School and worked as an editor of the Ivnyanskiy district newspaper, and then a large-circulation newspaper in the Sokol production association in the city of Belgorod. Since 1959, he is a member of the Union of Journalists, as well as the author of a personal photo exhibition and three times diploma winner of journalistic contests. Over the years, his books were published: a collection of poems and songs, stories and essays on a variety of topics. The story "Visiting the Prilukin estate" was published for the first time in 1999. This story truly demonstrates the richness of the Russian language and can serve as a manual on the Russian language for high school students and students of various educational institutions.
The background of this story is as follows. The author of the story made the assumption that linguists from England, Germany, France, Italy, Poland and Russia met at one scientific symposium. They found out for a long time whose language is better and richer. Everyone took the floor. The Russian silently listened carefully, and then thought about something. When his turn came, he said: “Of course, I could just like you say that the Russian language is the language of the great Russian writers and poets, but I will go the other way. Tell me, could you make a short story in your languages with the plot and denouement, with the consistent development of the plot, but so that all the words of the story begin with the same letter? ”
This question puzzled the interlocutors. And they all said it was impossible. “But in Russian it is possible,” said the Russian. The Pole suggested writing a story with the letter "p". “Great,” said the Russian. - Here’s a story with the letter "p". And you can call it "Visit to the estate of the Prilukins." So this work was born….
The Englishman, Pole, German and Italian were forced to admit that Russian is the richest.