The acquisition of an expensive painting at auction
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“Life is short, art is eternal,” the famous Hippocrates asserted, this confirms that the virtues reflected in the best creations of great artists will not lose their meaning and their relevance over time. Art is immortal and has no value, but the works of great artists, of course, are some of the best objects of financial relations.
Investing money in painting, you can get a good profit, but for this you need to make sure the originality of the acquired art. It is advisable to get advice from a professional, many financial organizations provide similar services, this type of activity is called art-booking. To purchase an object of painting, you must have financial resources, you can find information here - How to pay a picture in a convenient way.
Art investment
Ancient and rare items of great value - this is a very effective way of financial investment. Experts say that most of the works of art have grown in price over the past few years many times over. Investing free capital in painting is more profitable than, for example, participating in stock trading, since the cost of art is not subject to sharp fluctuations. Professionals are convinced that even financial problems in the world do not affect the reduction in the cost of paintings. During the crisis period, even more interesting works of art appear on the markets, while prices remain the same. Investing in art is associated with long-term capital allocation. During the period of economic recession, most professionals prefer to keep money not in financial institutions, but invest in the canvases of famous masters, which will be saved and will not lead to a sharp depreciation. A slight decrease in sales in the art market during this period was due to a decrease in offers, while demand remained at the same high level. It is very significant that the paintings are eternal value and the older they are, the higher their value. Many famous painters spent their lives in need and poverty, and now huge sums are paid for their works.
Famous auction houses
If the decision to purchase a painting is made, it is advisable to get expert advice and clarify information about the author of the work in order to fully assess the situation. Acquire works of art, it is best from sellers with a positive reputation in the market. The technical capabilities of expert laboratories allow the study of the canvas with the help of x-rays, as well as a chemical analysis of materials. Well-recommended places for the acquisition of art paintings are auctions, the most famous of which are Christie, Bohams and Sotheby’s. Even here, sometimes noisy stories arise when the new owner doubted the originality of the picture.
Auctions have existed for several centuries. There are several popular types of auctions: English and Dutch. The first type is the most common one, in which bidding starts from the lowest price and the lot goes to the client who has announced the highest price for it. An auction of the Dutch type begins with the highest established price of the goods, and goes to the buyer, who managed to set the best price.
The story of Christie’s auction house began in the 18th century, even then there was no equal to him and the leading position in the market belonged to him for a long time. Today, the largest auction in the world recognized Sotheby’s. The main achievement of these houses, the transformation of art into a promising business, these houses currently control the bulk of sales of art exhibits.
The painting "Card Players" by Paul Cezan, acquired at a private auction, cost its owner $ 250 million, this is the highest cost of the artwork in the entire history of the existence of auctions. The process of acquiring art canvases brings a new owner a huge aesthetic pleasure.
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