The advent of typography in Russia
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Great was the significance of the victory of the Russian people in the Battle of Kulikovo for the further development of literature. She inspired many writers - Epiphanius the Wise, Gregory the Theologian, Pachomius Serb, who created a huge layer of life literature, as well as various messages.
At the end of the XV-XVI centuries. with the completion of the formation of the Russian nationality, the Russian language also takes shape. It was significantly different from Church Slavonic. The Rostov-Suzdal dialect became prevailing. Mid 16th century marked by a very important event - the beginning of typography in Moscow. The initiators of Russian printing were Ivan the Terrible and Metropolitan Macarius. The latter began to collect material for the Great Fours-Mineas (Great Monthly Readings). He encouraged the creation of the metropolitan annalistic code, was the author of many letters and letters. In addition, Macarius was also the editor of several generalized works, then nicknamed the "encyclopedias" of the XVI century.
Printing began in Russia in 1563. It was introduced to make church literature uniform. The former deacon of one of the Moscow churches Ivan Fedorov (Moskvitin) and his assistant Pyotr Mstislavets were led by the official printing house. Among the books printed by I. Fedorov are “The Apostle”, “Hourglass”, “The Teaching Gospel”, “Alphabet”, “Psalter and New Testament”, as well as the first full Slavic Bible known as Ostroh. In the notes and afterwords that abounded by the works printed by I. Fedorov, the influence of Maxim the Greek (Mikhail Trivolis), who was a translator, publicist, and writer, was traced. About 350 of his works are known.
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Picturesque images appear in the era of pagan Russia. But painting reaches its peak only with the adoption of Christianity. Types of monumental painting come to Russia from Byzantium: mosaics and frescoes, as well as easel painting - icon painting. Byzantium gave and iconographic canon. Mosaic was not ubiquitous. There were few smalt, and besides, the churches were mostly wooden, and it is impossible to attach a mosaic to the wooden surfaces. It was not in the wooden churches and frescoes.