Marina Dempster:
shoes as self-expression in art
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You get used to the things surrounding a person every day quickly, and you hardly even pay attention to them. Take even our shoes - we use them every day: at work, at home, on the street, in the garden, but we take the wearing of shoes for granted. But this invention of mankind is also a kind of wheel - for our feet.
But not everyone refers to shoes as something ordinary, there are designers who create real works of art. One of these talents was Marina Dempster.
The artist Marina Dempster calls her creations the proud word “sculptures” - and we must give her her due, this is indeed so. The basis of her "sculptures" are ordinary store shoes, which in the skillful hands of the master turn into fetishes.
In some historical sources of art and culture, shoes are referred to as images of entire eras - Dempster combined ethnic images, art with the image of a whole culture, and stylish haute couture design in her works.
Why did the artist choose shoes to create her masterpieces? She explains this by the fact that in her eyes, shoes are a connecting link between heaven and earth, between body and soul, revealing the true nature of the owner of an unusual pair of shoes.
AT shoe catalog from Marina Dempster you will not find everyday life and everyday dullness, here you can find photos of only exclusive models, each of which is a real work of art.
Her tools are beeswax and resin, her decor is bright fabric and thread, bird feathers, beads and beads, her style is an interpretation of the technique of the Wicholli Hindu masters, fluent in the art of drawing… with multi-colored threads. According to this technique, not only beautiful patterns were embroidered with threads - they were a cipher replacing the writing into which the Indians encrypted their History.
Dempster hopes that in this way he will be able to create a new direction in the production of exclusive shoes, and soon an ordinary pair of shoes will be able to tell everything about his owner without words.
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- Exhibition "SHOES ILLUSION". Photo, video, installations