The best sand show in Russia
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Sand animation - refers to a type of fine art that never ceases to amaze and delight with its style and plots. Seeing only once sand animation, you will not blink an eye on the fascinating stories that unfold before your eyes with the help of sand and sand. For all this amazing action in the creative direction, viewers should thank the Canadian director-animator, the founder of sand frenzy.
About this amazing and unusual art we were told by artists from the best sand show in Russia "Sand Show".
Sand animation or sand show every year replenishes its ranks of lovers of animated films and makes you come up with new stories of professional masters. In sand animation, all the plots of the picture are created using special volcanic sand, which surpasses all other types of materials in its flowability.
Also, animated paintings can be created using sugar, salt, ground coffee or other bulk products. At first glance, sand animation seems like a simple and fun pastime, but if you try an uninitiated person to create a plot, he is unlikely to succeed.
In fact, sand animation is hard work, in which you need to hone every movement and every wave of the hand. Creating images and pictures, the artist of sand animation should know the sequence in which simple figures should transform, replace each other and reproduce the full plot of a short video.
How is sand action created?
Special volcanic sand is laid out in a thin layer on the glass. The light board or slide projector transfers the invented plot to the monitor for playback. What viewers see on the screen is a sand animation consisting of various plots. In addition, each plot is reproduced using correctly corrected music. Looking at the screen, the viewer receives a double effect of perception, both with the help of the plot, and with the interaction of musical accompaniment.
How to learn sand animation yourself?
There is nothing in the world that no matter what a person learns to do. And if you have the desire, time, love of art, artistic abilities, and you have universal accuracy, you can try this kind of fine art on yourself. Although, do not forget that one wrong movement of your hands, like a scattering of sand, can easily turn your creation into a shapeless image.
Professional animation artists (or sand animators) spend a lot of time creating their images and stories. In addition, the volcanic rock of sand must be sufficiently dry and sifted for animation. In addition, such a breed of sand is very expensive and be prepared that you will have to significantly spend on the learning process.
And if sand animation after long and grueling trainings will obey you, and you can create unique images and masterpieces of a small movie, maybe you should show your art to the audience? And there, who knows, maybe not far from world fame.