Chronicle in Russia
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The most remarkable phenomenon of ancient Russian literature was the annals. The first weather records date back to the 9th century; they were extracted from later sources of the 16th century. They are very brief: notes in one, two lines.
As a phenomenon of national scale, chronicles arise in the 11th century. Chroniclers became people of different ages, and not only monks. Such a significant contribution to the restoration of the history of the annals was made by such researchers as A.A. Shakhmatov (1864-1920) and A.N. Nasonov (1898 - 1965). The Codex, completed in 997, became the first major historical work. Its compilers described the events of the 9th-10th centuries, ancient legends. It even includes court epic poetry, praising Olga, Svyatoslav, and especially Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, in whose reign this Code was created.
To figures of European scale it is necessary to include the monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery Nestor, who by 1113 had completed his work "The Tale of Bygone Years" and compiled an extensive historical introduction to it. Nestor knew Russian, Bulgarian and Greek literature very well, being a very educated person. He used in his work the earlier Vaults 997, 1073 and 1093, and the events of the turn of the XI-XII centuries. illuminated as an eyewitness. This chronicle gave the most complete picture of early Russian history and was copied over 500 years. It should be borne in mind that the ancient Russian annals of the arch encompassed not only the history of Russia, but also the history of other peoples.
Secular people were also engaged in the chronicle. For example, Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh. It was in the composition of the chronicle that such wonderful works of his as the “Instruction to the Children” (c. 1099; later supplemented, preserved in the list of 1377) reached us. In particular, in “The Instruction”, Vladimir Monomakh holds the idea of the need to repulse external enemies. There were 83 “paths” — hikes in which he participated.
In the XII century. chronicles become very detailed, and since they are written by contemporaries, the class and political sympathies of chroniclers are very clearly expressed in them. Traced the social order of their patrons. Of the largest chroniclers who wrote after Nestor, we can distinguish the Kiev citizen Pyotr Borislavich. The most mysterious author in the XII-XIII centuries. was Daniel the Sharpener. It is believed that he owns two works - “The Word” and “Prayer”. Daniil Zatochnik was an excellent connoisseur of Russian life, he knew church literature well, and wrote bright and colorful literary language. He said the following about himself: “My tongue was like the cane of a scribbler and my mouth was friendly, like the speed of a river. For the sake of this, I tried to write about the fetters of my heart and broke them with bitterness, as in ancient times they smashed babies on a stone. ”
Separately, it is necessary to highlight the genre of “walks” that describe the journeys of our compatriots abroad. Firstly, these are narratives of pilgrims who went about their journey to Palestine and Pargrad (Constantinople), but gradually descriptions of Western European states began to appear. One of the first was a description of the journey of Daniel, hegumen of one of the Chernigov monasteries, who visited Palestine in 1104-1107, after spending 16 months there and participating in the crusader wars. The most outstanding work of this genre is “Walking Over Three Seas” by the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin, compiled as a diary. It describes many southern peoples, but mostly residents of India. The “walk” of A. Nikitin lasting six years took place in the 70s. XV century
The "everyday" literature is very interesting, since in it, in addition to describing the life of canonized persons, a true picture of life in monasteries was given. For example, cases of bribery for obtaining a particular church rank or place, etc. were described. Here you can highlight the Kiev-Pechersky Patericon, which is a collection of stories about the monks of this monastery.
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The world-famous work of ancient Russian literature was The Word on Igor’s Campaign, the date of writing of which dates back to 1185. Contemporaries imitated this poem, it was quoted by the Pskov people at the beginning of the 14th century, and after the victory on Kulikovo Field (1380) in imitation of the Word… ”was written“ Zadonshchina ”. "Word…" was created in connection with the campaign of Seversky Prince Igor against the Polovtsian Khan Konchak. Igor, overwhelmed by ambitious plans, did not begin to unite with Grand Duke Vsevolod the Big Nest and was defeated. The idea of unification on the eve of the Tatar-Mongol invasion passes through the whole work. And again, as in epics, here we are talking about defense, and not about aggression and expansion.
Since the second half of the XIV century. Moscow chronicles are becoming increasingly important. In 1392 and 1408 Moscow annalistic vaults of a common Russian character are being created. And in the middle of the XV century. the “Chronograph” appears, representing, in fact, the first experience of writing world history by our ancestors, and in the “Chronograph” an attempt was made to show the place and role of Ancient Russia in the world historical process.
Text writer: M.V. Sokolova
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