Cartoon crooked mirror
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The word itself came from the French charge - load, heaviness, pull. Initially, it denoted a physical action, a material basis, and only at 18 did it begin to be used for something deserving of a caricature image. Cartoon came to Russia as an independent direction only in the 19th century. This was the beginning of the reign of “people-tadpoles” - it was believed that the artist, who depicted a large head on a small body, very successfully painted a funny portrait.
Today, the cartoon is used in the visual arts, in most cases the artist draws a friendly cartoon - a caricature of someone showing not the whole appearance in full, but its most characteristic features, and the general similarity remains the same. Right: cartoon from
Cartoon happens:
- group: when the picture depicts a group of people who are united by one idea, theme;
- portrait: when one person is depicted in a picture;
- storyline: when a whole plot is depicted with participants, hobbies of someone;
- subject: when the picture depicts someone’s favorite subject, toy, car;
- cartoon on a pet: when depicting someone else’s pet.
Often people mean by caricature and cartoon the same thing - and they are mistaken.
Undoubtedly, a cartoon is a derivative of a caricature when certain features in the appearance or character of people and their behavior are emphasized in the image. However, if the caricature can be both funny and ironic, and socially sharp, then the cartoon carries only a friendly mockery, ready to amuse a person, make him think. Comics, too, can not be considered as cartoon - drawn plots in a humorous form.
This genre has a huge life experience, coupled with artistic taste. So, the cartoon for a wide range of viewers requires a certain fame of the object - for example, politicians, actors, entertainers. Probably the easiest way to portray them, because they are creative people; this is their highlight - the more kindly a well-known person is portrayed in a kind manner, the closer he becomes to the people.
As our compatriot, the famous artist D. Moor once said, a cartoon is called not only a funny painted portrait, but also a complete transfer of knowledge about the subject of the image, expressing all its negative qualities, and violating the proportions so that the final result looks harmonious even in its distorted view.
This great draftsman believed that the cartoon itself reveals everything that makes a person so popular, literally a parody or epigram, which many famous creative personalities were fascinated in the 19-20 centuries: writers and poets.
Family portrait is becoming increasingly popular. We offer order a cartoon or portrait from a photograph in Moscow at the portraitist. To do this, just send a letter with a description of the portrait and a photograph.
Later, the concept of the cartoon changed somewhat - and all thanks to O. Domier, who managed to portray in the cartoon not just a funny picture, but also the hidden sides of human nature: stupidity, cunning, anger, greed (peculiar satirical lithographs). Of course, the friendly cartoon was basically different from the political one - the second flaunted all the negative actions of politicians who deserved to be ridiculed to the peak of their master’s career.
With the development of fine art, the quality of the political cartoon is changing. Today, these cartoons filled the covers of magazines and leading newspapers, depicting representatives of the political elite - presidents, deputies, ministers.
Today recognized cartoon masters are: O. Domier, V.A. Serov, B.M. Kustodiev, D.S. Moor, and others.
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