Every day live like the last
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Strokes to the portrait of Masut Fatkulin, chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Confederation of Artists’ Unions.
What is your brightest childhood memory?
One of the most vivid childhood experiences was when I first saw colored pencils when I was very young. This made me very happy. I picked up several pencils at once and began to draw, as if I had always done it. I was able to capture the vibrant surrounding world. And although the time was very difficult, but still in the kindergarten we were given pencils, for me it was a very big event.
Another bright shock happened when I saw how artists paint on the street of my hometown of Karshi. Now I understand that they made copies from the picture. This really fascinated me, I could not tear myself away from their work.
Your cherished youthful dream?
She is again associated with the visual arts. There was a great desire to realize my creative ideas, to express them on canvas. Become a professional and famous artist.
Where did you study and in what specialty?
The desire to draw was always present, and therefore never had problems when choosing a profession. In Tashkent, I graduated from an art school, after which I entered the institute. Having received the profession of artist - monumentalist, he began to do what he liked.
What period of life do you consider your main school?
Each life stage serves as a kind of personality formation. For example, the school received a lot of useful information. I was instilled with a love of reading, which, of course, in the future helped to more accurately express my thoughts and write correctly. Until five years, I did not know the Russian language, and reading filled this gap.
Your favorite writer?
It is difficult to answer unambiguously. Each stage of life was accompanied by different writers. Poems and prose by A.S. are close to me Pushkin. His lyrics are inherent splendor, musicality and impeccability.
I like the works of Chekhov, Kuprin, Dostoevsky. I often re-read the classics. I love Russian language with its complexity and richness.
When and how did you earn your first money?
It is interesting to note that the first earnings were directly related to my profession. As a student at an art school, I came home from Tashkent for the summer holidays. I was taken to the workshop by a teacher who taught fine art. He painted posters with me, was engaged in design. He came to the workshop and worked all day. Over the summer I received good money.
What do you consider your first life success?
Probably the first life success was a victory in the republican contest of children’s drawings. After him, my work was sent to an exhibition in Moscow, where she won a prize. It was unexpected for me that the drawing of a boy from a small town was recognized in the capital. I believe this is my first creative success!
What is creativity for you?
Each creative person has his own ideas, ideas that require implementation. But in order to express them as clearly and clearly as possible, you must be professionally prepared.
Creativity is a very exciting process, it is a great pleasure. For me, creativity is an expression of an internal state, a constant desire to embody my ideas.
What is a family for you?
Family means a lot to me. I have two grown daughters, a wonderful granddaughter. I am proud of my daughters, because they have achieved certain successes in life. Nice to see the achievements of the children.
For me, my mom is an example of parental care. A small, stubborn woman, being a modest teacher, overcoming a huge number of difficulties, helped all of us to become people.
Who do you think is an outstanding personality?
A man who was able to achieve heights in his profession. For me, all successful artists, writers, composers are outstanding personalities. They won the hearts of people with their art.
Respect is given to people who achieve success due to their abilities, by the power of their own will, not always having a favorable environment for this. They overcome many difficulties to achieve the goal. I believe that the internal need for this should be inherent in a person initially. I understand this, because it’s close.
An outstanding personality is a person who was able to realize his inner potential in full, despite the difficult conditions.
What artists attract you?
Botticelli’s creativity attracts, first of all, the musicality and melodiousness of the lines in his canvases. Seeing the work of this master in the Uffizi Museum, I was not at all disappointed.
I also like Vrubel’s works, their complex color scheme, and some coolness of tones. The sophistication and subtle transparency of the painting, characteristic of the Russian school of icon painting in the person of Andrei Rublev and Dionysius, are close.
What phrase or aphorism helps you live?
Every day you need to live like the last. It is necessary that the day be the most complete and useful. I am sorry for people who spend time aimlessly, living life thoughtlessly.
What money is there for you?
- Money is a certain freedom. I do not see goals in them. Of course, they are a necessary element for a person to be able to develop, including culturally, travel the world, visit various museums, theaters, concert halls. For me, money is a means of getting new information.
What do you think is needed for success?
I do not think that a person should strive only to achieve success. It is important to want to achieve it in your profession. Success is something concomitant. I appreciate success when it is an indicator of professionalism. And it doesn’t matter what you do - paint, manage a company or repair washing machines.
How do you reward yourself for achievements?
The fact is that for me, work is a pleasure. This is my life. I like to do this because people need my work. A positive result of my work is the best encouragement.
What are your most vivid impressions from your trips abroad?
My first trip took place before the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was a trip to the Scandinavian countries. Struck by a careful attitude to nature. At that time, the contrast between the foreign city and Moscow was very felt, and now these borders are gradually erased. Now the superiority of Russian cities is more often noticed.
How do you maintain your vitality?
For more than twenty years, regardless of the weather, I try to definitely do a morning run, exercise in the fresh air. Next is a contrast shower. Of course, rest is important, and although I can’t get myself a long vacation, I sometimes try to go to the sea.
What kind of vacation do you dream of?
I am attracted to rest on the seashore, I like to soak up the sun. In general, always changing places, new experiences.
Your wishes to our readers?
I would like to wish to achieve success in what we strive for, and success is achievement of height in the chosen business.
The conversation was conducted by: Naila Rustaeva and Olga Proshkina
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