Pictures in the interior
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Since time immemorial, people have tried to bring comfort, beauty and harmony to their home. For example, the ancient Greeks hung colorful paintings and rugs on the walls, thereby decorating them. The Roman people were very attentive to the decoration of their home, and wealthy citizens invited craftsmen to their house to decorate the walls with mosaics or paintings. In Byzantium in the 4th century, an obligatory element of the interior was the icon. They were painted with tempera or wax paints, framed with silver or gold salaries, trimmed with enamels and precious stones. The icon was not only a subject of worship and prayer, but also a peculiar decoration of the Byzantine dwelling. After Christianity was introduced in Russia, icons also began to be placed in each house. And other decoration was simply not allowed until the 17th century.
Good paintings, etchings, prints, prints, photographs and reproductions can significantly transform any home, making it unique and cozy. Each home decoration item carries certain information. Information on objects of art in a house can depend on many factors: color scheme, theme, location. During the design of the room, you should create your own unique style. But do not go to extremes. Asceticism in home decoration will lead to incompleteness and emptiness, and glut - to visual overload. A single image and style is easy enough to break if it is incorrect to combine various elements and details of the situation.
The picture is a great, universal gift that does not have an absolute price. Such gifts in the online store , it’s not difficult to find in the art market or in the gallery, and the effect of its delivery can exceed all expectations.
Paintings should be bought with a positive theme and energy, paintings that depict scenes of violence, war, destruction and disaster should be avoided. Do not forget that the apartment is a multifunctional environment, and each room needs its own style paintings.