How to learn to draw?
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Some people dream of learning to sing, others want to dance well, but what about the talents who want to learn how to draw? Often, novice artists think that success in this matter depends on a particular recipe or formula, by recognizing which you can quickly become a professional. Alas, this is not so. However, if you are extremely careful, focused and put your whole soul and love for art into the chosen craft, you can achieve a lot. Naturally, at first there will be many mistakes and something will be wrong, but here it all depends on the interest in the subject, which is depicted.
Many people who know a lot about art recommend painting at least 30 minutes a day. This is better than 2-3 hours once a week. A short but daily workout “sharpens” the eye, develops observation and puts a hand on the right wave. Start with fun, do not try to repeat "Mona Lisa", try to draw something that is simpler. Funny, funny and positive SMS jokes . As for the long, but rare occupation, it leads to the fact that everything is forgotten and the artist every time seems to start everything from scratch. Therefore, you should start a notebook and make sketches daily.
Most often and hardest to draw people. Proportions, character, movement - you need to learn how to convey everything without flaws. To gradually learn how to sketch, you need to get used to follow people, birds, animals and draw shapes in motion in your mind. The very first rule of the picture: first the general form, then the details. All the details and little things will be assimilated over time, but the form must be able to see in front of the eyes as a whole.
If you constantly draw from nature alone, it is unlikely that you will get the result. To develop the ability to draw all forms from memory is the main goal. In order to develop visual memory, you can use one small trick. To do this, you need to put in front of you an object of any shape and look at it for about five minutes, remembering all the proportions, shape, character and features. Then the item is removed and drawn from memory. If there is any ambiguity, then this subject is taken again, it is considered for several minutes, after which the lesson continues. With such exercises, it is much easier and faster to accustom your hand and eye to reproduce objects of any shape.
It is worth noting that the drawing must be checked during operation. To do this, you can substitute the drawing to nature itself and check from the place where it was drawn. You can also take a mirror and put it parallel to the picture, so you can see all the flaws in the image. But the best thing is to contact a teacher-artist, because no article or book can foresee all the mistakes.
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