Ivan Cherny - a new abstractionism
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The world of art in Russia is rich in great artists. Any presentation on the topic of abstractionism should begin with the mention of such names as: Vasily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, Natalya Goncharova, Mikhail Larionov - all these people are one of the founders of the non-figurative artistic movement, not only for our country, but also for other European powers. These creators have created many masterpieces recognized throughout the world, so it is not surprising that other figures have absorbed their idea and successfully developed it. For example, Ivan Cherny is one of the most outstanding Sochi artists of the post-war period.
Since 1952, Ivan Cherny regularly participated in many exhibitions and organized his own. He is a recognized master who has always kept pace with the times. In the late 90s, he was tired of figurative art and discovered abstractionism. The paintings of famous artists who worked in this direction do not at all resemble the works of I. Cherny. He invented a new, unmatched technique, which formed the basis of his art.
As a real artist, an abstractionist, Ivan Cherny in his paintings, using lines and combinations of colors, expresses his inner feelings, impulses and mood. With all this, he managed to go apart with universal expectations and tastes. Somehow, Ivan Cherny in his compositions creates something unique, depending only on his feelings and impulses.
Having come to abstract painting, the artist finally got the coveted color freedom. This style opened to him independence from the form, which is in more material directions, tied to a tangible world. All this allows Ivan the Black to play with how the paintings are perceived: they either freeze, vibrate, or begin to breathe again. His painting opens the gates to the imagination and lets in a new, previously unprecedented fantasy world with its own laws and rules, which we adapt to surprisingly quickly. At Ivan Cherny, the dense forest can easily turn into an unusually beautiful castle, which with its mysterious lines and deep colors will bring harmony to the soul.
The main thing in the work of Ivan Cherny is the freedom of the artist’s creativity, reflecting the author’s individuality and originality of art. The works of this man are bright examples of abstractionism , which is filled with sincerity, which you can’t describe with words, but feel with your soul.
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