The Art of Photography
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The wide possibilities of using photography in various fields of activity have opened up thanks to the documentary accuracy of photographic images and the comparative simplicity of their production. The photographic method is a very important means of scientific research in almost all areas of science and technology. The role of photography in the study of space is great, with its help a large number of astronomical discoveries were made. In addition, the bowels of the oceans and seas, atomic reactions, chemical and physical processes were studied.
On the basis of photography, printing has developed, the main methodology for the manufacture of printed forms in which has become a reproduction photograph. In addition, cinema was born. Separate branches of photography arose - astrophotography, aerial photography, forensic photography, radiography, etc. Photographs occupied a special place in everyday life, especially in the modern era of the development of photographic equipment. We can say that today it is very difficult to find a sphere of human activity where photography was not applied or could not be successfully used. Thousands of people of various professions constantly have to deal with this or that type of photography.
Almost simultaneously with the invention of photography, a separate direction of creativity appeared - collage, a mixture of several images through various techniques and technical means. Today both serious artists and amateurs are engaged in this, and most often they use photo as the starting material. Some websites offer the creation of mini-collages online in automatic mode. See which free games for girls popular today.
Photography is one of the most common types of fine art and relies on the use of a variety of technical means. The history of photography dates back to 1839, when F. D. Argo presented at the meeting the essence of daguerreotype. The discovery of modern photography dates back to 1816, and the first photo in the world was taken 10 years later by Nieps. Photography at the beginning of its existence was not recognized as a form of art and was considered only a novelty of technology, in which almost nothing depended on the person who was shooting. But there were people who managed to raise the art of photography to a new level.
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