Intuitive painting - a portrait of yourself
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Recently, intuitive painting, which is an affordable means of expression for both beginners and advanced artists, has become increasingly popular.
The purpose of intuitive painting is not to create a picture for an exhibition or to study a specific technique, but to free oneself from creative blocks, restore spirit, relieve stress, and allow the inner core of one’s creative self-realization to manifest itself.
For intuitive painting, it’s not necessary to have your own workshop or to look for a good one. school of painting and drawing . It can be practiced in the most incredible places: in nature, on the beach, on a boat, on the sea, in the forest or high in the mountains. The main thing is not to forget to bring paints and materials with you as a basis - canvas or paper.
The most difficult thing, as in most cases, is to give yourself permission to start. Passion is all that is needed. In passion is the whole secret of talent!
Intuitive painting is best to learn and practice in groups. Explosive, emotional, creative energy, which is released in the course of such activities, can give an impetus to the disclosure of creative abilities, which a person did not even suspect.
At first, some part of the personality of some people resists and tries to stop from accepting a new one. You just need to remember this and continue the process of immersion in a new and unusual activity for yourself, be more tolerant of yourself, allow your hands to tell you about yourself, do not need to think about the end result.
In intuitive painting there are no borders and rules, only color paints and the joy of creativity. This type of painting allows you to participate in the process of self-expression using any improvised materials and tools without restricting yourself only to brushes and palette knives. Everything can come in handy: bottle caps, rags, plant leaves, twigs, cookie cutters and much, much more, and of course, your own hands just painted with paint. To obtain various textures and effects, an airbrush or an ordinary sprayer for water is used.
In addition to color, intuitive painting often contains symbolic objects that carry a hidden message. For example, flowers are a symbol of beauty and prosperity, a spiral is a symbol of the path leading from our external consciousness to our inner soul, trees represent life, growth and wisdom.
The paintings obtained as the final product are always unique, have a special energy that brings an abundance of joy and delight.