Automatic translate
Ilya Kabakov is back in Moscow. After the Tretyakov Gallery and the Hermitage, which exhibited a living classic of postmodernism, the Moscow Stella Art Gallery presented the exhibition "We Are Free!" The exhibition includes several installations. The “Catching Up the Hare” installation is inspired by memories of a Soviet-era park sculpture. Here, nostalgia for lost time is closely intertwined with the author’s feelings about the technogenicity and speed of the modern world. On a green carpet Autrepart , imitating weed, arranged the "pursuit" of an aluminum man for an aluminum hare. Combining dynamics and statics, the banality of the plot and the ultramodern interpretation, Kabakov reflects on the theme of his own movement: “In my dreams, in my imagination I already achieved everything I wanted, but in reality I did not move.”
Another installation “We are free! Ready to fly! Our goal is to help.. ”, made in the form of an inscription on a white wall, upon closer inspection it turns out to consist of plastic flies organized in orderly lines. The effect of surprise arises due to the illogical nature of the motive. However, despite the experimental nature of Kabakov’s compositions, their humorous embodiment and the predominance of the game principle, the artist remains faithful to eternal themes: man and the world, freedom and necessity, the search for his place in this world.