modernity through the prism of antiquity
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The art of painting is voluminous and multifaceted. One of the components of that cloudy space is the painting on raw plaster. This is an ancient art that allows you to capture a certain image on the walls of the premises. And not just draw, but penetrate the bowels of the walls, opening the curtain of plaster. This allows you to deeply make an image on the walls, which contributes to their resistance and durability.
Such murals are done by fresco artists, however, having studied the technology and acquired the appropriate materials, one can also learn to master the skill of making frescoes on the walls of residential premises.
As our positive illustration, we used the picture of the St. Petersburg artists Galina and Lucy Chuvilyaev. Their work is presented on the site. - look, you will not regret it!
Wizard tools
Before starting work, we will prepare everything you need to create a masterpiece. Nothing should distract the artist from the creative process, the brush itself should lead in space the hand holding it. You will need ordinary painting tools, acrylic or gouache paints, as well as craquelure varnishes. Well, the plot itself is a mural that is applied to wet plaster.
The stages of the magical manifestation of the mural
The process of creating a mural includes the following steps:
1. Leveling the surface. Thorough plastering.
A perfectly flat wall surface is a successful base for creating a truly colorful and durable mural.
2. Drawing a plot on the prepared surface.
Application Technique may be several. You can draw it yourself, or you can transfer it from paper using a copy sheet of paper, then slightly scratching it on the wall.
3. Preparation of a wet plaster base, limited to the wall with duct tape.
And this is the key moment when the base of the wall loses its durability and impenetrability, becoming soft and supple. She is preparing to “let herself in” the drawing and preserve the intricacies of the lines and the brightness of the colors.
4. Application of a background layer of acrylic paint. Drying out.
With free and sweeping movements we give the background the necessary foundation.
5. Painting the image with paints. Drying out.
Let us remember ourselves as a child and realize our then forbidden desires to draw on wallpaper…
6. Basecoat coating. Drying out.
The varnish is applied carefully, almost pointwise, so as not to violate the integrity of the picture.
7. Final varnish coating crackle.
Crackle varnish after complete drying causes cracking on the final coating of the fresco, which gives it an aged look.
Decoupage in a fresco
It is possible to apply a drawing using the decoupage technique. For this purpose, special napkins with ready-made drawings are carefully glued onto the prepared plastered and covered surface background, smoothing them from the center to the sides. To create a collage, you can use several napkins. After complete drying, a background paint is applied, and then Crackle varnish.
Ready technologies
And you can use ready-made frescoes with plaster already applied on the inside and coated on top with either a smooth coating or a cracked crack coating. Such a non-woven fabric already contains the original pattern and simply glues to the prepared surface with glue for heavy wallpaper.
We revive the walls with plots
The plot for the mural is selected based on the size and type of room:
1. The kitchen should be tuned to a gastronomic theme, and therefore, subjects that stimulate appetite will be relevant. Such "delicious" frescoes will create a favorable atmosphere in the kitchen area for home gatherings at a table full of dishes.
2. In the bedroom, contemplation of calm plots in the form of angels, delicate flowers, nature will allow you to relax and feel yourself on an island of silence.
3. The living room unites family members and their guests, creating a friendly atmosphere, allowing for long conversations. The themes of a big city, garden, nature are suitable here.
4. The entrance hall is usually small in size, and here the task of the frescoes is to visually increase the space. Vast fields, endless lakes will create just such an effect.
Murals are a rather unusual way of decorating walls, however, its technology opens up wide open spaces for the artist’s rich imagination. The room turns into an almost museum, where each new masterpiece has its own zest, its own soul. Do not be afraid to experiment and decorate your space with new projects, keeping them in the walls of the house!