Expressionism in Interior Design
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Expressionism translated from Latin means "expression." This style began to develop at the end of the 19th century and was presented in many artistic forms: in painting, architecture, literature, music, cinema. He never went out of fashion and will always be in fashion. What is invested in this concept - expressionism?
At the end of the 19th century, a new outlook on works of art took shape in Germany, and expressionism became a revolution in art. It was believed that the paintings should be created according to internal necessity, and not need commentary. Interest in the exotic art of the Far East, Africa and Oceania began to show. The craftsmen paid special attention to the choice of color. It was believed that the color itself can say a lot, while each color has its own meaning and it remains to give it only shape.
In architecture, expressionism appeared again in Germany. In 1921, the Einstein Tower was built in this style, which became a powerful manifestation of expressionism. The passive world is easily replenished with a charge of emotions thanks to this style.
Expressionism in the interior
Nowadays, expressionism is widely used in the interior. This style is suitable for those who want to change the usual setting to something exotic and original. Expressionism is some continuation of the avant-garde, but softer and easier. If you decide to choose this particular style for the interior of your home, first of all you need to consider the combination of color and paint. In this style, heavy, deep tones should not be allowed. A combination of bright colors with blurry, faded tones is suitable here. It makes sense to combine bright red, green, lemon colors with delicate tones: pink, blue, soft yellow, etc. The advantage of expressionism is unlimited imagination, and the freedom of style includes bumps and curvatures. These forms attract attention and give a sense of naturalness of the room, regardless of its color scheme. The interior in this style was created for those who want to surprise their guests and impress them, evoke emotions. And with all kinds of accessories, furniture and decor elements, you can achieve the uniqueness and brightness of this style.
In creating an interior in the style of expressionism, most often they use materials: plastics, glass, porcelain, stone, mirrors. Less commonly used wood.
The walls are painted in discreet delicate colors, some elements can be painted in bright colors. The surface should be matte, gloss in this style is not suitable. You can also use smooth wallpapers. And for the design of the walls, you can hang pictures created by artists by expressionists.
It is very important to create a special mood in the style of expressionism. Lighting will help to achieve the desired results. To create this style, rooms with large windows are very suitable, and natural lighting must be supplemented with artificial light. It will look great color backlighting or backlighting with lampshades of various materials in bright colors. Floor lamps and sconces in the form of unusual shapes are also suitable. In this style, you need to take into account the illumination of dark corners and niches, because expressionism includes the desire to create harmony and a single tonality of color.
Curtains play an important role in creating expressionism in your home. It is better if they will attract attention. Therefore, it is better to choose curtains of bright colors with the original form. You can, of course, choose white or gray blinds, which will create the impression of light and lightness. Sometimes in this style, a light tulle of bright color is used.
For the floor you need to choose materials that have a smooth surface - linoleum, a laminate with a glossy surface or polymer coatings. The floors can be decorated with rugs with drawings in the style of expressionism.
The ceilings in this style of interior can be of various shapes, painted white with bright elements. A mirrored ceiling is also perfect.
Furniture & Accessories
Expressionism in the interior implies lightness, so furniture in this style must be chosen from light materials and simple shapes. Furniture made of colored plastic or wicker made of bamboo and straw is perfect. You can choose wooden furniture, with dense upholstery, natural shades, but in form it should be in harmony with the general style. Excesses in this style are not appropriate, the rooms should be free, and you just need to hide the necessary things. For these purposes, “invisible” cabinets are well suited.
For furniture should choose contrasting accessories. It all depends on your imagination: mirrors of an unusual shape, lamps and chandeliers with interesting lampshades, vases with bright coloring books , carpets, paintings.
No need to be afraid to experiment, accessories can be mixed in different styles, but do not forget that expressionism carries lightness and brightness. Of course, this style is able to instantly cheer up. Any distortion and use of complex shapes will attract attention and make you think.