Colors and Feng Shui
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Any color combinations can affect our mood, psyche, experience and lifestyle, in the end. Our lifestyle, dictated by color perception, will also depend on what colors we will constantly see in our apartment. A special place in such psychology is occupied by the teachings of Feng Shui, which clearly spelled out what colors and what they are responsible for. Here are some of them.
Apricot blossom - has the ability to soothe and have a beneficial effect on the psyche. Also, color can create a positive attitude. It is the color of warm light and warmth in general. It is perfect for diluting dark shades.
White color is very versatile and suitable for use by everyone. It practically cannot cause rejection reactions. And for many civilizations, the white color was considered a symbol of goodness, integrity, justice and peace.
Blue color can balance and calm the most violent emotions. Color will be a kind of cold shower, it is sobering and can make you concentrate. Blue shades can not be considered gaming. They are able to tune into a working mood and collect their thoughts.
Yellow is sunny. It is fully consistent with the concepts of good mood and a positive start. In addition, color is considered a symbol of calm. In Feng Shui, the yellow color is a symbol of joy, inner harmony and fun. It instills optimism in a person and invigorates the spirit.
Green color symbolizes life itself and nature. He is usually loved by people who are not influenced by others, ambitious and ambitious. They prefer not to consider other people’s pictures, but to create on their own.
Gold color simply does not exist in nature. It can be considered as a shade of yellow or brown. He has the ability to strengthen the mental, spiritual and physical strength of a person. In addition, the golden color is considered a symbol of wealth.