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Peter Paul Rubens, Diego Velazquez, Anthony van Dyck, El Greco, Rembrandt van Rijn, Caravaggio, Jacob Jordaens - extraordinary minds, great artists, unforgettable talents. Remembering them, we plunge into the Baroque atmosphere in our thoughts. Baroque - a style that developed new aesthetic and artistic techniques, abandoned classical norms, emphasized external effects and exaggerated expression. Just as today it can be seen in Creative almanac ARTIFEX .
Baroque painting can be compared with a person who was unsure of himself and did not find sufficient support in the social structure. He did not believe that society could support him. Perceived the time around him rapidly changing, space chaotic. And as a rule, the set of worldviews that I would like to see and feel around me are projected in the Baroque art style.
Baroque begins to actively develop in Italy, Spain of the XVII-XVIII centuries. In these countries, where many people are most indecisive, they feel at a loss in public life, among those around them who were adherents of classic, pedantry, and order. Baroque painting is an art that suggested a person to realize his feelings and emotions as fully as possible. It enabled the artist to show the whole world how rich and diverse the inner world of each individual is. A unique style combines completely different, opposite feelings. The genre, which relates to everything around humanely, solves the problem of mutual understanding, the relationship of one particular person with everything that he sees, hears, feels, in grotesque forms, i.e., the redundancy of the positive and negative, dark and bright, cold and warm.
Contrast, decorativeness, splendor, excessiveness - these are the properties of the Baroque style. The brightest representative is Paul Rubens-Flemish painter. No less important person is the Spaniard Velazquez, who made an unlimited contribution to Baroque painting. You can also trace this style in drama: Lope de Vega, Pedro Calderone, Francois Labier. This literature, in which the central place is occupied by human emotion, and not a sense of duty. Baroque is the development of landscape genres, still lifes in the visual arts, secular and at the same time religious art.
Together, the main features of Baroque can be distinguished. Follow its dynamics:
- rejection of a specific cultural tradition;
- dynamism;
- relative freedom of creativity;
- lack of style behavior;
- deviation from classical aesthetics, emphasis on the wrong;
- compatibility of real and illusion;
- expressivity;
- contrast;
- hyperbolism as an artistic device;
- excess decorative elements of splendor.
The worldview of baroque is a painful feeling, the realization that humanity is in decline, it is unrealistic, that is, the perception of the life of the viewer on the stage. The exceptional value of the baroque was whether the poor or rich were portrayed as scenes of calm or battle, whether grief or joy was conveyed - this was always accompanied by deep aesthetics, touching human hearts.
Artists, painters who created in the Baroque style by all available means wanted to become exalted, to step aside from the rational, they wanted to show everyone the importance of the emotional, irrational, mystical beginning of the soul. The art of flowering, opposites, elevation, diversity, rebellion. Baroque - living style, empirical contact with being, the genius of his time…
Evgeny Vasilyevich Kolodyuk