Framing workshop:
all the subtleties of framing
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Paintings in the interior are one of the win-win solutions for stylish design, but without a worthy framing of a work of art, all efforts can go to waste. In addition to painting, walls can be decorated with elaborate embroidery patterns, plant collections, compositions from natural materials, or any other interesting art objects.
Correctly selected design will allow you to demonstrate an expensive thing in a favorable light, emphasize not only the stylish atmosphere of the home, but also the features of your own personality. Of course, it is worth observing the measure. Although some outrageous personalities decorate even computer monitors with frames from a baguette, but for most people this way of design seems too extravagant.
In any case, for a decent picture frame you will need services framing workshop But, in order to choose the right baguette and not be disappointed in the final result, you need to know the main features of this design method.
The term "baguette" itself has French roots, and translates as "wand." It is from these sticks or strips that the baguette frames are created in which any work takes on a finished look and a certain racyness. Work on creating a baguette requires a serious approach and responsibility, so it should be entrusted to the masters.
A simple-looking baguette has a large number of forms and varieties of material used. In addition to traditional wood, aluminum and plastic are also used today. This allows you to convey as closely as possible the mood of the designed canvas, make baguette framing a continuation of the idea of the picture.
A wooden baguette is undoubtedly the most expensive, but it justifies its cost if it is made at a high level. Such a frame, like a diamond cut, will make your picture shine. Besides. wood is a durable material and is perfect for decorating things that are not only artistic value, but also are a family heirloom.
For less valuable work, you can use a baguette made of plastic, which, thanks to the latest technology, is indistinguishable from expensive materials, but costs significantly less. A metal baguette will be appropriate in the corresponding interior, decorated in a strict urban style. To create such a baguette, aluminum is most often used.
Whatever material you prefer, a baguette should serve both for decoration and for protecting an artwork.
Baguette decoration includes such an important element as a passe-partout - a cardboard frame, in the middle of which your picture will be located. Passe-partout is made from a special type of heavy-duty cardboard. It can be of any color and shape, contain a picture or embossment.
To ensure safety and durability, work can be placed under glass. This is especially true for collections, embroideries and other works of thread and fabric, as well as paintings made with oil paints. The high level of development of baguette production allows you to choose a thin, anti-reflective glass that does not affect the visual perception of the work, but protects it from possible harmful effects.
If the work is large (for example, a map or diagram), then it can be fixed on an additional basis - a wooden frame or hardboard. With such support, you do not have to fear for the safety of the canvas of any, even the most impressive, sizes. There are many additional devices, secrets and technologies that will allow you to create a baguette frame for any of your requests, with a high level of quality and reasonable price. Large workshops produce true works of art for the most luxurious and sophisticated interiors.
It seems that you can make a baguette at home. Theoretically, this is certainly possible, but for a worthy result you will need special equipment and a large selection of material. The manufacturing itself will take you, a person with no experience, a lot of time, and the result may not be what you expect. Therefore, if you are not a fan of handmade, it is better to seek help from professionals who can ennoble your art object in the proper way.
If you don’t have any special wishes, and the sizes of the things being drawn up have standard sizes, you can purchase a ready-made baguette. Now large workshops provide a wide selection of a wide variety of frames, and you do not have to wait a single day. Before you visit the workshop, look at its website, look at the finished work and samples, if possible, get the recommendation of friends who have already used these services.
Some workshops offer preliminary computer selection of materials for non-standard framing. Do not forget that the form is as important as the content and beautiful design - half the success for aesthetic pleasure.
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